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COW FARM PROJECT HUMLA, NEPAL. Reno Rotary Club International Committee Goals and Activities 2014/2015 Tie in all projects with Rotary International’s.

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Presentation on theme: "COW FARM PROJECT HUMLA, NEPAL. Reno Rotary Club International Committee Goals and Activities 2014/2015 Tie in all projects with Rotary International’s."— Presentation transcript:


2 Reno Rotary Club International Committee Goals and Activities 2014/2015 Tie in all projects with Rotary International’s Areas of Focus; especially: Clean water and sanitation Maternal/child healthcare Disease prevention and treatment Basic literacy and education Elimination of poverty through economic and community development

3 Support 4-6 projects that have a long-term impact Focus on areas of greatest need Collaborate with and support other Rotary Clubs on Global Grant and other projects Mentor other clubs interested in international projects Submit a Global Grant application to The Rotary Foundation for our Panamanian Orphanage project; seek partner clubs.

4 Organize trip to Panama to learn more; work at orphanage. Keep partner clubs informed and involved Support Reno Centennial Sunset’s Belize School Sanitary System project in Belize

5 2007 established as a 501c3 by Mark and Sarah Ferris. Mission: to support & promote Maternal-Child Health programs in the remote district of Humla, Nepal Focuses primarily on Safe Motherhood training classes, Clean Delivery Kits and pre/postnatal vitamins.


7 Why Humla, Nepal ? One of the most remote & poorest regions in Nepal Infant Mortality Rate = 81/1000 (US avg. is 7 and Nepal is 41) Only 2% of births are attended by a Skilled Birth Attendant

8 Literacy rates for women = 5% 90% of children <5 have chronic malnutrition Pregnant women are the last to eat meals and receive no additional calories Average annual income is less than $200/yr




12 BTF Achievements Delivered pre/postnatal vitamins to over 2100 women (average cost of approximately $11/woman) Distributed more than 2000 Clean Delivery Kits Provided Safe Motherhood education to 150 women Raised over $6500 to help burn victims from Humla (March 2014) Led the first all-women’s trekking group to Humla

13 BTF Goals 2014/2015 Implement Cow Farm Sustainability Project April: Send one person to training to learn about cows Continued contract with Vitamin Angels (PNV distribution to 700 women) Working relationship with the Ministry of Health Distribution of Clean Delivery Kits (500) Provide education for 60 women through Safe Motherhood Trainings May/June (2015): Saga Dawa Festival & Cultural Trek with Cow Farm Inspection and Evaluation

14 Why Cows?

15 Sustainability Nutrition Employment Established Markets







22 Pema Lama – Manager of the Cow/Milk Farm Project


24 Cow Farm Proposal Purpose: The sale of fresh milk will provide sustainability for Bodhi Tree Foundation’s Maternal-Child Health program. It will also provide employment for one local person and additional nutrition for people in nearby villages. Funds Requested: $6,700 $4,500 to purchase 6 cows $611 to purchase 1 ox $565 Training for one worker $320 for 6 months of feed $535 for salary for one worker for 6 months $170 miscellaneous fees

25 Expected Outcome Net 22,600 Nrps to be divided and shared equally between Bodhi Tree Foundation & Janga Lama’s Family (they are donating the land & housing for the animals as well as overseeing the project) Final income generation is approximately $125/month for BTF x 12 months = $1,500 per year. Money generated will buy Clean Delivery Kits, Pre/postnatal vitamins and provide Safe Motherhood Education classes.

26 Committee Stipulations Must find a Nepalese partner club willing to provide guidance and networking support Must find partner clubs to provide the balance of the requested funds

27 Local Club Sponsor Dr. Isabella Kadkha, Secretary, Rotary Club of Kathmandu-Mid-Town

28 Thank You, Partners! Rotary Club of Reno $2,500 Elko Desert Sunrise $750 Elko (Noon) Rotary Club $750 Ely Rotary Club $750 Reno Central Rotary $500 Carson City Rotary $1,450 $6,700

29 Clear committee goals and guidance Compelling project The power of networking with generous Rotarians!

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