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Breeds, Origins, Colors, Characteristics

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1 Breeds, Origins, Colors, Characteristics
Beef Cattle Breeds Angus, Beefmaster, Brahman, Charolais, Chiania, Herefords, Limousin, Longhorns, Shorthorn, Simmentals Breeds, Origins, Colors, Characteristics

2 Major Beef Breeds Angus Beefmaster Brahman Charolais Chiania Hereford
Limousin Longhorn Shorthorn Simmental

3 Angus Beef Cattle Color-Black (in some cases double recessive cattle may be Red) Origin-Scotland Characteristics-smooth muscle, meaty, polled, Great Carcass traits. Size pounds.

4 Beefmaster Color-Red, Tan, & White Origin-USA-Texas
Characteristics-crossbred with Brahman, Hereford and Shorthorn. Size pounds.

5 Brahman Color-Creamy to tan Origin-India
Characteristics-large crest or hump, heat tolerant, loose skin, droopy ears. Size pounds.

6 Charolais Color-Creamy to White Origin-France
Characteristics-Fast Growth, excellent mothering, meaty Size-Medium - large pounds

7 Chiania-pronounced Key-a-nee-a
Color-White Origin-Italy Characteristics-HUGE size, muscular, large frame, sound. Size-Bulls up to 4000 pounds.

8 Herefords Color-Red with White Face, etc. Origin-England
Characteristics- Easy calving, Good Mothering, Meaty, Gentle, polled and horned. Size pounds.

9 Limousin Color-Red, cream, tan, with white Origin-France
Characteristics-Very Meaty Carcass traits, Muscular, Size pounds.

10 Texas Longhorn aka Longhorn
Color-Red, tan, white, black. Origin-Spain Characteristics-Meatless Wonders, slow growers, long horns, Size pounds.

11 Shorthorn Color-Red, White, or mixed-Roan Origin-England
Characteristics-Meaty, gentle, good mothers, may be polled or horned. Size pounds.

12 Simmental Color-Red, tan, dark with white Origin-Switzerland
Characteristics-meaty, excellent mothers, Size pounds.

13 Other minor Beef Breeds
Maine Anjou Galloway Santa Gertrudis-Brahman X Shorthorn King Ranch in Texas, 1920’s first crossbred animal developed. Salers Red Poll Murray Gray Gelbvieh Highland Brangus-Brahman X Angus-Oklahoma.

14 Can You name these Breeds?
1 2 3 4

15 Can You name the Breed? 1. Hereford 2. ? 3. ? 4. ?

16 Can You name the Breeds? 1 2 3 4

17 Can You name the Breed? 1. Hereford 2. Polled Hereford 3. ? 4. ?

18 Can You name the Breeds? 1 2 3 4

19 Can You name the Breed? Hereford Polled Hereford Charolais ?

20 Can You name the Breeds? 1 2 3 4

21 Can You name the Breed? Hereford Polled Hereford Charolais Brahman

22 Which Breed came from France?
A. Charolais B. Hereford C. Limousin D. Brahman

23 Congratulations-you are right!
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25 Beef Breed Origin Quiz 1. Hereford 1. ___?_______

26 Beef Breed Origin Quiz 1. Hereford 2. Angus 1. England 2. _____?_____

27 Beef Breed Origin Quiz 1. Hereford 2. Angus 3. Charolais 1. England
2. Scotland 3. ____?____

28 Beef Breed Origin Quiz 1. Hereford 2. Angus 3. Charolais 4. Chiania
1. England 2. Scotland 3. France 4. _____?_____

29 Beef Breed Origin Quiz 1. Hereford 2. Angus 3. Charolais 4. Chiania
5. Brahman 1. England 2. Scotland 3. France 4. Italy 5. _____?_____

30 Beef Breeds Origin Quiz
1. Hereford 2. Angus 3. Charolais 4. Chiania 5. Brahman 1. England 2. Scotland 3. France 4. Italy 5. India

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