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RECORDS MANAGEMENT AND THE WEB Presented by Jennifer Wright, Archives and Information Management Team and Lynda Schmitz Fuhrig, Electronic Records Division.

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Presentation on theme: "RECORDS MANAGEMENT AND THE WEB Presented by Jennifer Wright, Archives and Information Management Team and Lynda Schmitz Fuhrig, Electronic Records Division."— Presentation transcript:

1 RECORDS MANAGEMENT AND THE WEB Presented by Jennifer Wright, Archives and Information Management Team and Lynda Schmitz Fuhrig, Electronic Records Division Smithsonian Institution Archives August 6, 2009

2 Goals of the presentation  Introduce the role of Smithsonian Institution Archives (SIA) as well as its Records Management Services  Describe the Processes and Plans for Website and Web 2.0 Acquisitions and Preservation  Discuss Plans for Communicating About Websites and Web 2.0 with SIA  Answer Questions

3 SIA’s mission  Appraise, acquire and preserve records documenting the history and activities of the Institution  Offer a range of reference, research, and records services  Create products and services which promote understanding of the Smithsonian and its history

4 SIA’s authority – SD 501  “All documents created or received by employees of SI in the course of official business are records of the Institution, and none may be disposed of except in accord [with guidelines] established by the Smithsonian Archives.”

5 Records management services  Help identify what to keep and what to discard  Create records disposition schedules  Maintain, preserve, and provide access to records  Destroy records according to established schedules Archives and Information Management (AIM) Team specializes in assessing the long-term value of records. Electronic Records Division (ERD) specializes in transferring electronic records and their long-term preservation and accessibility.

6 What is a record?  Any official recorded information, regardless of medium or characteristics, created, received, and maintained by a Smithsonian museum, office, or employee  Records may be in paper, electronic, photographic, or audiovisual formats and include:  Websites  Web 2.0 tools and applications (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, SharePoint, etc.)  Documentation of websites and their development  Web traffic statistics (OCIO is responsible for permanent record)

7 Appraising website records  Most SI websites will be appraised as permanent records:  Full baseline  Notify SIA of significant changes or additions  Some web 2.0 applications will be appraised as permanent records and others will be appraised as temporary:  Full baseline of most to document that they existed  Content will be appraised for unique research value  Determine frequency of captures

8 SIA and electronic records



11 STRI website in 1995 SIA Accession 05-032

12 STRI website, 1998 from the Internet Archive

13 CFCH Mekong Lifeways, 2004 SIA Accession 05-175

14 Past web archiving procedures Files transferred from OCIO HTTrack web crawler Scripts used to create XHTML preservation files but very manual and time-consuming

15 Heritrix Archival web crawler Open source Java Developed by Internet Archive, National Library of Norway and National and University Library of Iceland

16 WARC WARC – Web ARChive file format  Now international standard – ISO 28500:2009  Extension of the ARC format in use since 1996  Container format

17 Next steps  Contact SIA when launching a new or significantly revised website, portion of a website, or web 2.0  Due to the fragility of digital records, it is better to capture websites when they are created, not when they are retired  Contact SIA when retiring a website in case it has not been previously captured  AIM Team will contact each webmaster during the next year to discuss existing websites and web 2.0

18 AIM and ERD teams work together  Ultimate goal is long-term preservation of and access to official records whether in non-digital or digital formats  Records are appraised based on their content, not the media

19 Contacts and resources  Jennifer Wright, Archives and Information Management Team, 202-633-5924,  Lynda Schmitz Fuhrig, Electronic Records Division, 202-633-5917,  Smithsonian Institution Archives website:

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