Revised March 2008 1 CSSI, Inc. Headquarters 400 Virginia Avenue, SW Suite 210 Washington, DC 20024 202.863.2175 202.863.7400 fax 888.275.0862 toll-free.

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1 Revised March 2008 1 CSSI, Inc. Headquarters 400 Virginia Avenue, SW Suite 210 Washington, DC 20024 202.863.2175 202.863.7400 fax 888.275.0862 toll-free Moving Research to Reality Advances in NASPAC Innovations in NAS-wide Simulation Workshop George Mason University January 27 th - 28 th 2010 Lakshmi Vempati

2 Revised March 2008 Outline Introduction NASPAC Current Architecture Recent Enhancements ○ Oceanic Operations ○ Terminal Area Modeling Closing comments 2

3 Revised March 2008 Introduction 3 National Airspace System Performance Analysis Capability (NASPAC) ○ System-wide model developed in the 1980’s ○ Discrete event simulation representing the NAS as a network of interconnected queues ○ Used for cost-benefit analysis Technical and software support provided by CSSI and Metron for the FAA (Joe Post)

4 Revised March 2008 NASPAC Current Architecture 4

5 Revised March 2008 Oceanic Operations Model separation of aircraft in US oceanic airspace through the use of restrictions Oceanic regions modeled (with updated find crossings module) ○ Oakland oceanic (ZOA), ○ New York oceanic (ZNY) and ○ Anchorage oceanic (ZAN) sectors 10 and 11. Challenges ○ No geometry information in the simulation engine ○ Limitation of existing find crossings module to NW quadrant of the globe only Pre processing and data requirements ○ Process and merge ATOP FPL with FZ where necessary and cleanse data ○ Compile international waypoint data into NASPAC readable format ○ Sector definitions for New York, Oakland and Anchorage ○ Oceanic separation standards lookup based on ■ Equipage ■ Oceanic Region 5

6 Revised March 2008 Gate Finder Gate Finder to generate restrictions ○ Un-capacitated US oceanic sectors for Oakland (ZOA), New York (ZNY), and Anchorage (ZAN) fully functional with newer sector crossings module ○ Restriction generated at any "filed waypoint + filed cruise altitude" in the schedule used by 2 or more flights 6 Restriction  All headings (0-359)  All airport pairs  For entire day  10 min in trail separation  ± 500 ft altitude bounds above or below the target filed cruise altitude Yes Filed waypoint + filed cruise altitude used by 2 or more flights Gate Finder Sector names Input schedule Sector definitions

7 Revised March 2008 Oceanic Operations: Example restrictions 7 Restrictions created for one NASPAC schedule: ○ Vertically-oriented lines represent restrictions created on oceanic network waypoints ○ Horizontally-oriented lines represent restrictions on all other waypoints

8 Revised March 2008 Terminal Area Modeling Incorporate SID/STAR/IAP routes into flight schedules and integrate into trajectory modeler to support modeling altitude restrictions (level-offs) Challenges ○ SID/STAR/IAP definitions are updated every 56 days. ○ Not all procedure definitions are included in the National Flight Database. Example SIDs with non-structured routing ○ SID/STAR/IAP charts contain extensive information in free text as well as graphically. Not all information is captured in the database. ○ Special cases: ■ Altitude restrictions based on direction of arrival e.g. KORD Janesville 5 Arrival ■ Procedures applicable to: Aircraft type (e.g. Turboprop, Turbojet), Equipage (e.g. DME, GPS), Speed restrictions (e.g. 250K, 280K), Time of day, Runway use (e.g. R12L fly at 10000) ■ Expect to cross at lowest available altitude (e.g. KEWR Williamsport 5Arrival) ■ Combination of multiple aircraft type, multiple runway altitude restrictions (e.g. KBOS Gardner 3 Arrival) ○ Existing schedule filed waypoint inconsistencies ○ Field 10 parsing issues ○ Issues with merging existing routes with SID/STAR/IAP 8

9 Revised March 2008 SID/STAR Implementation Pre-processing and data requirements ○ Field 10 (Route of flight information) ○ SID/STAR/IAP definitions ○ Supplemental information from aeronautical charts ○ Parse field10, lookup SID/STAR when specified and merge into waypoints list Assignment and Merging Algorithm 9 Field 10 Parser Input schedule Sid/Star/IAP Database Assigning/Merging Algorithm Modified schedule Yes No Has SID/STAR Lookup Assign Merge

10 Revised March 2008 SID/STAR Assignment Examples 10 ATL Departures IAD Arrivals

11 Revised March 2008 Closing comments Initial oceanic restrictions and in trail separations (distance and time-based) implemented Initial SID/STAR routing, assignment and merging Ongoing efforts: ○ Oceanic in-trail climb/descent ○ IAP assignment ○ Full integration into NASPAC 11

12 Revised March 2008 12 Questions?

13 Revised March 2008 13 CSSI, Inc. Headquarters 400 Virginia Avenue, SW Suite 210 Washington, DC 20024 202.863.2175 202.863.7400 fax 888.275.0862 toll-free Moving Research to Reality Backup Slides

14 Revised March 2008 Oceanic Separation Standards 14

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