Radiation Protection Technology High Radiation Area Access and Control Radiological Safety and Response RPT-243-PE-7.

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1 Radiation Protection Technology High Radiation Area Access and Control Radiological Safety and Response RPT-243-PE-7

2 Radiation Protection Technology Demonstrate acceptable behaviors when in and upon exiting a contamination area, including: –Proper wearing and removal of appropriate contamination control clothing –Proper contamination control techniques that minimize cross contamination –Proper use of the step-off pad for exiting and for removal of material Demonstrate the proper use of personnel dosimetry Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to:

3 Radiation Protection Technology Demonstrate actions to be taken if as found radiological conditions are significantly different from those specified on the RWP. Demonstrate the ability to access and control access to posted High Radiation and Locked High Areas. Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to:

4 Radiation Protection Technology Local Standards

5 Radiation Protection Technology Each Facility…. Is required to establish administrative controls which ensure the control of High Radiation Areas is maintained. From the previous lecture on Radiological Controls:

6 Radiation Protection Technology High, Locked, and Very High Radiation Areas To enter a High Radiation Area, individuals shall have one or more of the following: A radiation monitoring device which continuously indicates the radiation dose rate in the area. A radiation monitoring device which continuously integrates the radiation dose rate in the area and alarms when a preset integrated dose is received. Entry into such areas with this monitoring device may be made after the dose rate level in the area has been established and personnel have been made knowledgeable of them.

7 Radiation Protection Technology High, Locked, and Very High Radiation Areas To enter a High Radiation Area, individuals shall have one or more of the following (cont’d): A Health Physics qualified individual (i.e., qualified in radiation protection procedures) with a radiation dose rate monitoring device, and who is responsible for providing positive control over the activities within the area, and shall perform periodic radiation surveillance at the frequency specified by the RWP.

8 Radiation Protection Technology High, Locked, and Very High Radiation Areas High Radiation and Very High Radiation Areas were discussed for both 10CR20 and 10CFR835. The defintions and requirements for posting are consistent for these areas. Power plants typically have another classification for posting that exists between High Radiation and Very High Radiation Areas – called Locked High Radiation Areas.

9 Radiation Protection Technology High, Locked, and Very High Radiation Areas Locked High Radiation Areas – any area accessible to individuals with radiation levels greater than 1000 mrem/hr at 30 centimeters from the radiation source or from any surface penetrated by the radiation. Specific posting requirements Must be maintained locked until access is required. Key is maintained under administrative control of upper management

10 Radiation Protection Technology High, Locked, and Very High Radiation Areas Locked High Radiation Areas Specific access control requirements vary but typically will require (cont’d); Designated RP Technician coverage with a survey meter or remote monitoring Specific RWP with a specific PJB for entry Use of alarming dosimeter and in some case a flashing beacon at the boundary of the LHRA Controls in place to prevent the access point from being locked while personnel are in the area

11 Radiation Protection Technology High, Locked, and Very High Radiation Areas Very High Radiation Areas Specific access control requirements vary but typically will require the same type of controls noted for LHRAs. However,because of the large dose rates involved and the infrequency of these types of entries, it would receive a considerably higher level of management oversight and documentation than a HRA or LHRA entry.

12 Radiation Protection Technology In the Mock-up Area…. ATC’s LHRAs are maintained locked or guarded and require that the keys be logged out by filling out the “Locked High Radiation Area Key Log”. The key is to be maintained under the control of the person checking it out at all times. Upon completion of the entry, that person is required to ensure the room is locked back and to return the key to the key control point.

13 Radiation Protection Technology Scenario Brief The control room has notified your supervisor that the local area radiation monitor in Room 509 has gone into alarm. The task is to enter the room and perform radiation surveys to confirm the alarm and attempt to locate the source of the abnormally high dose rates. Each four person team will split into two sub-teams. There are four stations in the room. A subteam will make two stations then the inside team will rotate outside and the outside team will rotate inside. The supervisor will provide you with a complete briefing. Upon completion, the teams will regroup to debrief and attempt to indentify the cause.

14 Radiation Protection Technology Other Instructions Use three part communication and self-check techniques. Follow the instructions in the exercise guide. Do not separate this package. Maintain it intact. Record all answers on the document – no extra pages. Return the RPT-243-PE-7 Practical Exercise Guide document to the instructor as directed.

15 Radiation Protection Technology Time to DO!

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