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Chapter 7. Do Now  How much sleep do you think you get each night?  Generally, how easy or hard is it for you to get to sleep? To wake up in the morning?

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 7. Do Now  How much sleep do you think you get each night?  Generally, how easy or hard is it for you to get to sleep? To wake up in the morning?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 7

2 Do Now  How much sleep do you think you get each night?  Generally, how easy or hard is it for you to get to sleep? To wake up in the morning?  Do you generally feel tired or rested when you wake up in the morning?  Are you ever sleepy during the day?  Have you ever fallen asleep during a class?  Are there certain times of day when you feel especially sleepy? When do you feel the most alert?  Are you just as sleepy on weekends or during school vacations as you are during the school week?

3 Activity  Read the article  Answer all questions which relate  We shall discuss once you have finished

4 Sleep Log Project  Due 4/23/2015  Record your sleep habits for the next 7 days  Lets review what you have to do!

5 Nova: What are Dreams?  mh-c mh-c


7 Do Now:  Take out Sleep Log Project  Answer the following Question:  What is the meaning of Hypnosis? Have you ever seen or been hypnotized? Explain how this may alter our state of mind.

8 What is Hypnosis? Hypnosis: Altered state of consciousness characterized by intensely narrowed attention and increased openness to suggestion – Franz Mesmer: Believed he could cure diseases by passing magnets over body; true “animal magnetism” (“mesmerize” means to hypnotize)

9 Hypnotic Susceptibility  Hypnotic Susceptibility: How easily a person can be hypnotized  Basic Suggestion Effect: Tendency of hypnotized people to carry out suggested actions as though they were involuntary  Hidden observer: Detached part of hypnotized person’s awareness that silently observes events

10 Hypnosis Can…  Help people relax  Reduce pain  Get people to make better progress in therapy

11 Hypnosis cannot…  Produce acts of superhuman strength  Produce age regression  Force you to do things against your will

12 Stage Hypnosis  Stage Hypnosis: use of hypnosis to entertain; often, merely a simulation of hypnosis

13 “Tricks of the Trade”  Open to page 240  How are stage hypnotists able to perform with very little hypnosis?  Copy down all 5 into your notes  Jot down info which relates to each

14 Discovering Psychology  Kjo-Y Kjo-Y

15 Do Now:  Explain the difference between stage hypnosis and regular hypnosis. What are some reasons why people are able to be hypnotized?

16 Drug Altered Consciousness  Psychoactive Drug: A substance capable of altering attention, memory, judgment, time sense, self-control, mood or perception  Stimulant: Substance that increases activity in the body and nervous system  Depressant: A substance that decreases activity in the body and nervous system

17 Dependence  Physical Dependence: when a person uses drugs to keep their body functioning  Withdrawal Dependence: physical illness and discomfort without a drug  Drug Tolerance: A reduction in the body’s response to a drug  Physiological Dependence: drug dependence based upon emotional or psychological needs.


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