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Presentation on theme: " Alternatives to detention and their practical implementation IDC Africa Regional – Kampala, July 30 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alternatives to detention and their practical implementation IDC Africa Regional – Kampala, July 30 2014

2 2 Global trends 1. States are increasingly concerned about effective migration management, especially with regards to irregular migration. International legal framework: detention as a last resort Custodial detention models have proven financially costly Custodial detention has led to criticism for their impact on human rights No evidence that detention deters 1.There is an increasing global awareness, exploration and implementation of alternatives to detention.

3 3 Alternatives to Detention (ATD) Photo: Migrant shelter in Lebanon Any legislation, policy or practice that allows for asylum seekers, refugees and migrants to reside in the community with freedom of movement while their migration status is being resolved

4 Research: practices in 28 countries considered Highlighting spectrum and the benefits of ATD Community Assessment and Placement (CAP)

5 What do alternatives look like? Examples include: Documentation Legal aid Shelters Open reception centres Living with family or ethnic community Self sufficient/own recognizance Assisted voluntary return programs Case management Safe spaces to access information, emergency assistance (e.g. drop in centers) Conditions

6 6

7 Process & procedures for officers to assess*, explore, refer to and/or implement alternatives to detention in the first instance Helps: Informed decision making Avoid wrongful detention Minimise use of resources Minimise harm Prevent unnecessary immigration detention *Where? Prior to and/or from detention 7 Screening & assessment

8 8 Screening and assessment Two

9 Vulnerability considerations

10 Not just individual assessment – need to look at the environmental context Assists in determining factors that support or undermine a person’s ability to remain engaged in process and comply with authorities during status resolution Decisions regarding referral, support and management required can then be made 10 Community setting

11 Screening/A ssessment Case planning Referral & implementatio n Review Case Resolution Multi-stakeholder collaboration & coordination Case management Screening, assessment & referral

12 Pulling it together: Benefits of collaboration Every region: Middle East: Yemen, Jordan, Israel Asia Pacific – Hong Kong Europe - Belgium Americas – USA. Mexico Africa

13 13 Spectrum of mechanisms to help prevent unnecessary immigration detention By assessing the individual context, referring to community programs and applying conditions in the community if required, governments can make informed decisions on individual placement, management and support requirements and prevent unnecessary detention Collaboration to ensure screening, assessment & review Case plan & referral Implementation = Fair & efficient case resolution without unnecessary use of immigration detention Summary - CAP


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