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Classroom Organization 1. Suggestions for Organizing Your Classroom Classroom Arrangement Suggestions Student Materials Bulletin Boards 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Classroom Organization 1. Suggestions for Organizing Your Classroom Classroom Arrangement Suggestions Student Materials Bulletin Boards 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classroom Organization 1

2 Suggestions for Organizing Your Classroom Classroom Arrangement Suggestions Student Materials Bulletin Boards 2

3 Classroom Set-up V isibility – You must be able to see all students at all times. Students must be able to see instruction and displays. A ccessibility- You must be able to move easily to any student especially those who need help frequently. You and your students must be able to access needed materials easily. D istractibility- Seat students away from distractions- e.g., windows overlooking campus, pencil sharpener…. Separate students who constantly interact inappropriately.

4 Custodian’s Room Arrangement White Board Individual Seats

5 White Board Teacher Desk

6 Teacher Desk White Board Individual Seats

7 Teacher Desk White Board Individual Seats Herringbone Style

8 Teacher Desk White Board Small Tables

9 Teacher Desk White Board Small Tables

10 Teacher Desk White Board Small Tables

11 Teacher Desk White Board LargeTables

12 Teacher Desk White Board LargeTables


14 Student Materials Train students to pick up supplies on their own.

15 Organize student supplies

16 Show students where to turn in their work.

17 Post our Student Outcomes

18 Paper Heading

19 Show off Student Work

20 Quick and Easy Bulletin Boards Do you want to reinforce your lessons? Do you use PowerPoint presentations? Just cover your bulletin board with attractive colored paper and a boarder. Simply print out your PowerPoint slides of your lessons and post them on your bulletin board.. Presto! You’ve got a bulletin board that reinforces your lesson and can be changed as your topics change. Do you want to reinforce your lessons? Do you use PowerPoint presentations? Just cover your bulletin board with attractive colored paper and a boarder. Simply print out your PowerPoint slides of your lessons and post them on your bulletin board.. Presto! You ’ ve got a bulletin board that reinforces your lesson and can be changed as your topics change. Quick and Easy Bulletin Boards

21 Bulletin Boards With a little guidance students can: Create bulletin boards Post examples of excellent student work Decorate the classroom

22 Items to Post in your Classroom Classroom Rules (no more than 3-5) Student Outcomes High School ESLRs Daily Bulletins Evacuation Map Bell Schedules “What do I do when I am finished list?”

23 Keep Posted on Your White Board Your name How students are to head their papers. Daily objective The student outcomes your lesson will address. Bellwork

24 Who are you as the teacher? Hang your diplomas Certifications Family Photos Work samples Post your qualifications

25 Prepare a Substitute Folder Create a substitute folder and keep it in an obvious location place. 25 Substitute Instructions

26 Class Clean-Up Train them to clean-up their work station. They will do this on the job. Pick up litter Arrange books and materials on shelves Clean up work areas and equipment Clean chalkboard and erasers “Never do anything for a student that they are capable of doing for themselves.” Fred H. Jones 26

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