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Preparing Idaho’s Workforce Presentation to Idaho Rural Partnership October 8, 2014 Dwight Johnson State Administrator Professional-Technical Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing Idaho’s Workforce Presentation to Idaho Rural Partnership October 8, 2014 Dwight Johnson State Administrator Professional-Technical Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing Idaho’s Workforce Presentation to Idaho Rural Partnership October 8, 2014 Dwight Johnson State Administrator Professional-Technical Education

2 Recognition of the importance of a skilled workforce We are crafting more performance- based standards for workforce training. We’re investing in more and better professional-technical education programs at our universities and community colleges. And we’re connecting the dots with public-private partnerships that will help make our education system more responsive than ever to the workforce needs of industry. Governor C. L. “Butch” Otter

3 The Challenge


5 Policy Priorities 5 Accelerate Idaho - Governor Next Phase of “Project 60” Economic Development Initiative 60% Goal - State Board of Education & Workforce Development Council Sixty percent of 25 to 34 year olds will have a degree or certificate by 2020. HCR 53 - Idaho Legislature Commerce, Labor & SBOE to report on how to make education more responsive to business.

6 Accelerate Idaho Elevate Industry Energize Existing Industries Empower Business Opportunities Invigorate Innovation & Research Strengthen Communities Inspire Community Vitality Develop Infrastructure Solutions Galvanize Regional Collaboration Advance Individuals Engineer Talent Pipelines Cultivate K-Career Expand High Quality Jobs

7 Prepare Idaho's youth and adults for high skill, high wage, in-demand careers. Professional-Technical Education

8 Professional-Technical Education Delivery System Division of Professional- Technical Education Secondary Schools Comprehensive High Schools Professional Technical Schools Technical Colleges NIC, LCSC, CWI, CSI, ISU, EITC

9 General Programs ADA Professional-Technical Center West Ada COSSA Wilder Idaho has 679 programs in 113 school districts Nearly all students enroll in at least 1 PTE course PTE enrollment increased by 29% since last year Students earned 16,000 credits eligible for transcription

10 Go-to-College Rate 94% of high school PTE students 91% of technical college students … found jobs or continued education 64% high school PTE program students 46% of Idaho’s general high school population Successful Outcomes

11 Reasons for Success Applied Learning Relevant Education Education tied to jobs/careers Industry Recognized Credentials Apprenticeships Internships On-the-job training

12 Learn & Earn VS. Train & Pray

13 13

14 Education Economic Development Workforce Development Industry Key to Accomplishing Policy Priorities: Build Partnerships to: Engineer Talent Pipelines for Industries Engineer Career Pathway for Students

15 Engineering Talent Pipelines

16 Identified Idaho Industry Targets: Advanced Manufacturing Aerospace Food Processing Rec-Tech Wood Products Energy High Tech Health Care

17 Building Career Pathways for Students

18 Engineering Talent Pipelines Business Industry Members

19 Making it Happen

20 “Team Idaho” approach for each industry Commerce Industry Specialists Labor Regional Business Specialists Regional Labor Economists Employment Recruiters Education PTE – Program Specialists Community & Technical College Business Outreach University Business Outreach Secondary – Technical Schools & PTE Programs Local Economic Develop. Agencies Rural ED Professionals

21 Tools/Incentives/Programs 21 Idaho Dept. of Labor WDTF Sector Grants (Learn & Earn) Reallocated WIA & ES funds US Dept. of Labor $100 M for Apprenticeships (Fall 2014) Trade Adjustment grants Education Badge System identifying competencies Student Organizations PTE Incentive Awards Other Ideas Tax Credits (South Carolina)

22 Workforce Development Training Fund Funding: 3% off set of employer UI taxes Generates $3 – 4 million a year Economic Development Tool Reimburse employee training costs for: Hiring new employees (expanding companies) Retaining employees Qualifications: Sell services or products outside of area $12/hour or more plus benefits

23 2013 WDTF Industry Sector Grant Pilot Purpose: Incentivize Public/Private Partnerships Up to $1 million grant for 2 years Grants to public education institutions who: Partner with multiple businesses in industry Identify & address pipeline training needs 25% business match Same WDTF qualifications: Sell services or products outside of area $12/hour or more plus benefits Leverage these $ for federal grant applications




27 2014-15 WDTF Sector Grant Timeline Sept. 4 - Next Round was Approved by WD Council Oct. - Request For Proposal Dec. 29 - Applications Due Jan. 30 - Awards Granted

28 Critical Roles for Success Leadership Advocacy Technical Assistance 28

29 Questions?

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