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Speciation Through Isolation 11.5. Student Self Assessment 1. I barely know what the subject is. I need significant help. 2. I think I’m starting to get.

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Presentation on theme: "Speciation Through Isolation 11.5. Student Self Assessment 1. I barely know what the subject is. I need significant help. 2. I think I’m starting to get."— Presentation transcript:

1 Speciation Through Isolation 11.5

2 Student Self Assessment 1. I barely know what the subject is. I need significant help. 2. I think I’m starting to get it, but I need some clarification. I do make some mistakes. 3. I have a strong grasp of the subject. I make few mistakes. 4. I understand this as well as any other student in this classroom. I can help others.

3 Reproductive isolation occurs when members of different populations can no longer mate successfully with one another.

4 The rise of 2 or more species from one existing species is called speciation.

5 Behavioral isolation is isolation caused by differences in courtship or mating behaviors.

6 Geographic isolation involves physical barriers that divide a population into 2 or more groups.

7 Temporal isolation exist when timing prevents reproduction between populations.

8 Patterns in Evolutions 11.6


10 Mutations are random, but natural selection is not random!

11 Evolution towards similar characteristics in different species is called convergent evolution.

12 When closely related species evolve in different directions they become increasingly different through divergent evolution.

13 Coevolution is the process in which 2 or more species evolve in response to changes in each other.


15 Evolutionary arms race

16 When a species is unable to adapt to a change in its environment this leads to its elimination from Earth – extinction.

17 Equilibrium = Balance Puncture = to disturb by piercing

18 Species creation (speciation) occurs suddenly and is followed by long periods of little evolutionary change. This is known as punctuated equilibrium.

19 The diversification of an ancestral species into many descendent species is known as adaptive radiation.


21 Student Self Assessment 1. I barely know what the subject is. I need significant help. 2. I think I’m starting to get it, but I need some clarification. I do make some mistakes. 3. I have a strong grasp of the subject. I make few mistakes. 4. I understand this as well as any other student in this classroom. I can help others.

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