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.  In alignment with the National Educational Technology goals, our vision of Educational Technology is one where:  All students and educators have.

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Presentation on theme: ".  In alignment with the National Educational Technology goals, our vision of Educational Technology is one where:  All students and educators have."— Presentation transcript:


2  In alignment with the National Educational Technology goals, our vision of Educational Technology is one where:  All students and educators have access to information technology in classrooms, schools, their homes, and the community.  All classroom teachers use technology to help students achieve high academic standards.  All students have technology and information literacy skills.  Digital content and networked applications transform teaching and learning.  Our technology plan focuses on the following:  Evaluating technology tools and resources available to support teaching and learning;  Linking the classroom with educational resources within the school, the District, the community and worldwide;  Creating a collaborative environment for project oriented activities;  Promoting learning communities via collaboration between school and home on joint educational projects;  Promoting learning communities via collaboration between schools and departments;  Promoting the benefits of online formative and summative assessment;  Focusing on strategies that enhance communication and make assessment results useful. Technology Plan 2011-2016 Goals Educational Technology Vision

3  eContent: the accelerating shift from print to digital  E-books and e-Textbooks  Support standards-aligned digital resources  Participatory Learning:  Social Media  Web 2.0  Mobile Learning: smart, mobile devices  BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)  Tablets (iPads)  E-Readers (Kindle “Fire,” Nook), Technology Plan 2011-2016 Goals Classroom Technology Integration Strategies

4  Mobile Learning: Smart, mobile devices  Equitable access to learning resources—as long as all students have a smart mobile device, whether school- or student-provided  Extended time for learning, anytime and everywhere  Increased student engagement and achievement  Improved student behavior and time on task  Individualized learning for gifted and at-risk populations, such as special education students and English language learners  Participatory learning and immersive educational experiences, games and simulations  Situated learning, such as on field trips, in museums and galleries, and via geocaching, with devices used to take photos and videos; record notes, lectures or presentations; and upload and share resources with others  Formative assessments, through polls, questions, quizzes and tests, with interactive data collection, aggregation and feedback available immediately  Blended learning, with formal, informal and self-directed learning opportunities  Increased competency in 21st century skills, including communication, collaboration, critical thinking and problem solving, and proficiency with technology Technology Plan 2011-2016 Goals

5 Short Term Project NeedsSites:Cost: Security Cameras10 $ 3,625,000.00 Card Access10 $ 2,475,000.00 ERPAll $ 2,500,000.00 Wireless21$3,637,500.00 VDI21 $ 2,700,000.00 Add: 7% Project Management for Above $ 1,045,625.00 Maintenance (Card/Cameras-20Kper site)10 $ 200,000.00 Student Domain (80% Complete)All $ 100,000.00 Power School Add-OnsAll $ 300,000.00 Educational SoftwareAll $ 500,000.00 Professional DevelopmentStaff $ 1,000,000.00 Add: 10% Contingency on exact quote & change orders $ 1,703,750.00 Total: $ 19,786,875.00

6 Technology Plan 2011-2016 Goals Long Term Project NeedsSites:Cost: Security Cameras40 $ 10,875,000.00 Card Access40 $ 7,425,000.00 Wireless21$3,637,500.00 VDI21 $ 2,700,000.00 Single- Sign -OnAll $ 250,000.00 Data WarehouseAll $ 800,000.00 Website EnhancementsAll $ 100,000.00 Private CloudAll $ 300,000.00 Add: 7% Project Management $1,826,125.00 Maintenance (Data Warehouse)Per year $ 160,000.00 Maintenance (Card/Cameras-20Kper site)401 $ 800,000.00 Add: 10% Contingency on exact quote & change orders 2,704,750.00 Total:$31,578,375.00 Short Term: $ 19,786,875.00 Long Term: $ 31,578,375.00 All Total: $ 51,365,250.00

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