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District 9820 The Rotary Foundation Seminar Sunday 18 th November, 2012.

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1 District 9820 The Rotary Foundation Seminar Sunday 18 th November, 2012.

2 Grants & Areas of Focus. Presented by: Phil Dressing. District 9820 Humanitarian Grants Committee.

3 Today’s Program Contributions Earnings A 6 Areas of Focus.6 Areas of Focus. Club Qualification.Club Qualification. Block Grant.Block Grant. District Grants.District Grants. Global Grants.Global Grants. Packaged Grants.Packaged Grants. Academic Scholarships (replaces Ambassadorial Scholarships)Academic Scholarships (replaces Ambassadorial Scholarships) Sustainability.Sustainability. Resources.Resources.

4 6 Areas of Focus Peace and conflict prevention/resolution.Peace and conflict prevention/resolution. Disease prevention and treatment.Disease prevention and treatment. Water and sanitation.Water and sanitation. Maternal and child health.Maternal and child health. Basic education and literacy.Basic education and literacy. Economic and community development.Economic and community development. All Grants will be underpinned by these areas.

5 Qualification assures The Rotary Foundation that your Club has the proper financial and stewardship controls in place to successfully manage grant funds. Grant management encompasses everything from selecting projects and activities to applying for a grant to ensuring proper stewardship of funds to evaluating and reporting grant outcomes. Clubs apply for qualification to District each Rotary year in order to apply for District, global or packaged grants. Club Qualification.

6 To complete the qualification process, a club must:- 1. Have the President-elect or a designated club representative attend a Grant Management Seminar (A Foundation Seminar suffices) 2. Read and agree to the Club Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) and submit a copy signed by the club President and President-elect to the District. 3. Agree to any additional District qualification guidelines. To maintain qualified status, a Club must abide by the terms of the Club MOU and the grant terms and conditions. The MOU is an agreement between a Club and the District explaining the minimum requirements for managing grants. Your Club’s policies and may exceed these requirements.

7 Block Grant District applies to the Rotary Foundation for a sum of money equal to 50% of the District’s Designated Fund (DDF) to cover all proposed District Grants for the following Rotary year. Requires District to determine proposed projects well in advance. Will be used locally and have a Club pre-determined limit.

8 District Grant. District determines how much of the Block Grant to be devoted to Club District Grants. District sets its own procedures and policies for how and when clubs submit requests, as well as any additional requirements. Clubs likely to be required to fund half of total Grant ie $ for $.District sets its own procedures and policies for how and when clubs submit requests, as well as any additional requirements. Clubs likely to be required to fund half of total Grant ie $ for $. District Grants fund short-term local projects and activities that support the Foundation’s mission.District Grants fund short-term local projects and activities that support the Foundation’s mission. Clubs submit their funding requests to District, which administers and distributes the funds.Clubs submit their funding requests to District, which administers and distributes the funds.

9 District Grant. Samples. 1.Funding of appropriate early learning materials for local primary schools. 2.Purchase of defibrillator units for local SES. 3.Funding of public health forums on men’s health issues.

10 Global Grant. Fund large-scale (minimum US$30,000.00) international projects and activities that align with an area of focus.Fund large-scale (minimum US$30,000.00) international projects and activities that align with an area of focus. Respond to a need the benefiting community has identified.Respond to a need the benefiting community has identified. Include the active participation of the benefiting community.Include the active participation of the benefiting community. Are designed to enable the community to help itself after the Rotary club or District has concluded its workAre designed to enable the community to help itself after the Rotary club or District has concluded its work Have measurable results.Have measurable results.

11 Global Grant. Global Grants, Vocational Training Teams, Academic Grants etc. use District Designated Fund (matched dollar for dollar) and club funds (matched 50 cent for each dollar) We cannot use any carry over District Designated Fund for District Grants.

12 Global Grant. Samples. 1.Provision of a Community Health Service in a Third World Country. 2.Provide computers and associated hardware in a number of schools in an Asian Country 3.Funding of development of a sustainable farming program for low income residents.

13 Packaged Grant. Packaged grants provide opportunities for Rotary clubs to work with The Rotary Foundation’s strategic partners on predesigned activities. Each project is fully funded by the World Fund and the strategic partner.

14 Packaged Grant. Strategic Partners. 1.Aga Khan University. 2.Mercy Ships. 3.Oikocredit International (one of the World’s largest micro-finance organisations) 4.UNESCO – IHE (an international institute for water education that was established in 2003)

15 Academic Scholarship Replaces Ambassadorial Scholarships.Replaces Ambassadorial Scholarships. Minimum US$30,000 scholarship.Minimum US$30,000 scholarship. Studies must be in one of the six areas of focus.Studies must be in one of the six areas of focus.

16 Sustainability For The Rotary Foundation, sustainability means providing long-term solutions to community needs that the benefiting community can maintain after grant funding ends. Global grant projects must be sustainable throughout the planning, implementation and reporting phases.

17 Resources. Ray Martin – Chair, District 9820 Foundation Committee. Bob Johnson – Vice Chair, District 9820 Foundation Committee – Programs & Administration. Phil Dressing - District 9820 Foundation Committee – Humanitarian Programs

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