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“In The Beginning…” …. Lessons About Life Revealed In The Scripture’s First Book.

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Presentation on theme: "“In The Beginning…” …. Lessons About Life Revealed In The Scripture’s First Book."— Presentation transcript:

1 “In The Beginning…” …

2 Lessons About Life Revealed In The Scripture’s First Book

3 “In The Beginning…” Dealing with Family Problems Gary Boyd

4 “In The Beginning…” Introduction: Problems  “Life is not a continuum of pleasant choices, but of inevitable problems that call for strength, determination, and hard work” (Indian proverb)  Problem: “ situation that presents uncertainty, perplexity, or difficulty” (American Heritage Dictionary) Dealing with Family Problems

5 “In The Beginning…” Introduction: Problems  Problems will exist in our lives. How we handle them will determine what type of person, child of God, we will become.  Problems dealing with family can be much more challenging. Dealing with Family Problems

6 “In The Beginning…” Introduction: Problems  To effectively resolve our problems, we must: 1.Recognize the problem 2.Determine the root cause 3.Take corrective action Dealing with Family Problems

7 “In The Beginning…” I. Recognizing the Problem  Story: Adam & Eve (Gen. 3:1-19)  Problem: Not honoring our God given roles.  Husbands are to be the head of the house (Eph. 5:25; Col. 3:19) Dealing with Family Problems

8 “In The Beginning…” I. Recognizing the Problem  Story: Adam & Eve (Gen. 3:1-19)  Problem: Not honoring our God given roles.  Wives are to be submissive to their husbands (1 Tim. 2:11-15; Eph. 5: 22-25; Col. 3;18) Dealing with Family Problems

9 “In The Beginning…” I. Recognizing the Problem  Story: Adam & Eve (Gen. 3:1-19)  Problem: Not honoring our God given roles.  1 Peter 3:7  The husband and wife are… “heirs together of the grace of life” Dealing with Family Problems

10 “In The Beginning…” I. Recognizing the Problem  Story: Jacob & his sons (Gen. 37)  Problem: Favoritism  Thankfully, God is not a respecter of persons (Acts 10:34-35)  Favoritism creates rifts between the parents and the children. Dealing with Family Problems

11 “In The Beginning…” I. Recognizing the Problem  Story: Jacob & his sons (Gen. 37)  Problem: Favoritism  Fathers should be careful not to show favoritism (Eph. 6:4; Col. 3:21)  We should not show favoritism with our friends (Phil. 2:3-4; Gal. 6:9-10) Dealing with Family Problems

12 “In The Beginning…” I. Recognizing the Problem  Story: Esau (Gen. 28:8-9)  Problem: Disrespecting parents  God expects His children to show Him the honor and respect He deserves (Jn. 5:23; Rev. 4:11, 7:12) Dealing with Family Problems

13 “In The Beginning…” I. Recognizing the Problem  Story: Esau (Gen. 28:8-9)  Problem: Disrespecting parents  What does God expect from children in their relationship with their parents? Dealing with Family Problems HONOROBEDIENCE

14 “In The Beginning…” I. Recognizing the Problem  Story: Cain & Abel (Gen. 4)  Problem: Sibling Rivalry Dealing with Family Problems  Jealousy  Hate / Malice Regardless of the situation that we find ourselves in, children of God have a responsibility to act in a Christ-like manner.

15 “In The Beginning…” I. Recognizing the Problem  Story: Cain & Abel (Gen. 4)  Problem: Sibling Rivalry Dealing with Family Problems  Jealousy  Hate / Malice  Our desire should be to follow the “golden rule” (Ref. Mt. 7:12)

16 “In The Beginning…” I. Recognizing the Problem  Story: Cain & Abel (Gen. 4)  Problem: Sibling Rivalry Dealing with Family Problems  Jealousy  Hate / Malice  “Therefore, whatever you want men to do to _____, do also unto _____” youthem

17 “In The Beginning…” I. Recognizing the Problem  Story: Cain & Abel (Gen. 4)  Problem: Sibling Rivalry Dealing with Family Problems  Jealousy  Hate / Malice  1 Jn. 3:10-12, 15 When we show jealousy/hatred to another family member, we are guilty of... MURDER !!

18 “In The Beginning…” II. Determining Root Cause  5 Why Analysis Dealing with Family Problems

19 “In The Beginning…” “5 Why Analysis” : Cain  Angry with his brother Dealing with Family Problems Why?Sacrifice not respected by God Why?Did not listen to God Why?His heart not right with God Why?Had no respect for God Root cause of the problem

20 “In The Beginning…” II. Determining Root Cause  5 Why Analysis  Most root causes of problems originate in our heart. We allow Satan to manipulate our thoughts (Mk. 7:20-23)  The condition of our heart is critical in resolving our problems (James 1:13-15) Dealing with Family Problems

21 “In The Beginning…” III. Taking Corrective Action  Humble yourself before God. (James 4:1-10)  Humility is the key to improving any relationship. Dealing with Family Problems

22 “In The Beginning…” III. Taking Corrective Action  Pray to God for guidance.  “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much” (James 5:16)  Ask God to purify your heart, clean your conscience, and increase your faith. (1 Tim. 1:5) Dealing with Family Problems

23 “In The Beginning…” III. Taking Corrective Action  Set your mind on things above.  If we have died with Christ, have been raised with Him, we are to “put to death” our fleshly desires. (Col. 2:20 – 3:5) Dealing with Family Problems

24 “In The Beginning…” III. Taking Corrective Action  Set your mind on things above.  We are to “put off” anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy language, and lying (Col. 3:8-9) Dealing with Family Problems

25 “In The Beginning…” III. Taking Corrective Action  Set your mind on things above.  We are to “put on” tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering, forgiveness, and love (Col. 3:12-14) Dealing with Family Problems

26 “In The Beginning…” Conclusion:  When we are faced with family problems, remember that God has given us the “medicine” to help us.  2 Peter 1:3  Its up to us to take it and put it in our lives! Dealing with Family Problems

27 “In The Beginning…” Conclusion:  Give no place to the devil…be kind to one another. (Eph. 4:25-27, 29, 31-32) Dealing with Family Problems

28 “In The Beginning…” …

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