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Weather patterns and storms 3.1&3.2

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1 Weather patterns and storms 3.1&3.2

2 What will we go over 1. Weather patterns, weather pattern change and what is a climate 2. Types Of storms, what do they do and how they effect society.

3 Weather Patterns & Weather Pattern Change
Some times you might see the weather the same and repeating itself for a few days. For example it is dusty for five days, that is a weather pattern. A weather pattern change is when the weather changed after a repeated pattern of the same weather. This happens when there is a change in the atmosphere. A over all example is, the weather is rainy for a few days, the next day the weather turns dusty or windy. That is an example of a weather pattern and a weather pattern change

4 How does a Storm and a Weather Pattern Form?
Lets use dust storms as an example. The winds picks up particles as it moves, but these winds are caused from the movement of air. The air that moves from high pressure to low pressure areas causes this heavy wind that moves the particles. That is the general idea of how winds that move the dust, rain and more are created. These storms can last for days therefore creating weather patterns. Here is the summary: Winds are the main things that create storms Heavy winds are created by moving air to High pressure areas to Low pressure areas. A dust storm example is the wind picks up particles and moves it to the region.

5 A Climate is a Long Term Weather Pattern
Another way of describing a climate is a that it’s a long term weather pattern. Things to remember are that in different areas the climate is different. Climate is a measurement of weather in area that includes, temperature, precipitation and wind. An example of a climate in a desert region is that it has high temperature in the summer and low temperature in the winter and low precipitation.

6 Climate of Kuwait Clime in Kuwait is usually dry and hot with long summers, Kuwait’s summer season also contains dust. Kuwait has winters that are warm. The Summer temperatures can reach 40+, and the winters can reach 18C. Kuwait also has little rain falls in the winter. Summary: Kuwait has low precipitation. Kuwait has long hot summers and warm winters. Temperature in Kuwait can reach 40C+ in summers and 18C in winters

7 Section Review & Summary
We went over the climate of Kuwait what it contains etc. We went over what is a climate, and how is it a long term weather pattern We learned about the weather patterns and weather pattern changes. Basics of how storms are made and its connection with weather patterns Important Information: A climate can be a long term weather pattern. Wind forms by air moving from high to low pressure Wind picks up dust particles, moves clouds etc. therefore creating storms.

8 Types of Storms Some types of storms are:
A blizzard is a severe winter storm that has heavy snow fall, heavy winds and extremely low temperature. If these are combined it causes a blizzard and even damage buildings or collapse roofs. Hail Storms can cause heavy damage to buildings and cars. Hail is a type of ice that comes in huge sizes. A hurricane can be one of the most powerful storms, hurricanes can be very destructive due to their high winds, heavy rainfall etc. Lightning can cause a lot of damage due to it starting wild fire, damaging property. It usually starts when the clouds clash together.

9 What do Storms do? As you heard in the news and other sources, storms can ruin houses and destroy communities and even damage a nation. For example if a storm hit a capital of a nation, these buildings inside the capital can be damaged and ruined. This causes the nation to have no facilities due to them destroyed by storms. Summary: Storms destroy houses and facilities that important for development Storms can be very deadly killing thousands. Storms can cause fires harm wild life. Storms that are unexpected can ruin society and human life.

10 How do storms effect society?
Imagine a earth quake or a hurricane or even a tornado, hits a nuclear reactor. What would happen? What would happen is that the nuclear reactor will explode and radiation would be everywhere. If radiation is everywhere, everyone inside the city would die due to this storm. Another example is that a flood or hurricane hit a capital that is next to the sea, If that capital is hit, the management for the nation would be destroyed and the leaders inside that capital could be killed and it would cost them years to redevelop. Summary: Storms can destroy societies by ruining its facilities and residential areas. Rebuilding the country would be more expensive due to removal of waste caused by the storm.

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