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Carnivorous Plants Graham Oden December 17,2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Carnivorous Plants Graham Oden December 17,2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Carnivorous Plants Graham Oden December 17,2008

2 What are Carnivorous Plants?
Carnivorous plants are plants that can eat insects and/or small animals.

3 How do Carnivorous plants get their energy?
They get their energy the same way the other plants do... Photosynthesis

4 Why do Carnivorous plants eat insects and other small animals?
They eat insects and other small animals because they live in places where the soil is low in nutrients. Carnivorous plants get the needed nutrients from their “PREY”.

5 What types are there?

6 Pitfall Traps (pitcher plant)
The pitcher plant is basically a slippery leaf wrapped into a tube shape that contains a pool of digestive enzymes at the bottom.

7 Pitcher Plant Videos

8 Pitfall Trap (Cobra Lily)
Most Pitfall Traps have the opening on the top of the plant, the Cobra Lily has an opening on the bottom. When an insect flies into it, it has “windows” that let light in but not insects out. The insects are attracted to the light but cant get out. Pitfall Trap (Cobra Lily)

9 Cobra Lily Video

10 Fly Paper traps (sundew)
Fly Paper traps are coated with a sticky substance called “mucilage". When an insect lands on the plant it sticks to it, after a while the plant will curl around it and digest it.

11 Sundew Video (time lapse)

12 Snap traps (Venus fly trap)
As you can see the Venus Fly Trap has small trigger hairs on the inside, so if an insect lands on it and triggers only one hair and flies off its lucky but if it triggers more than one it will cause its own doom.

13 Venus Fly Trap Video

14 Bladder traps (Bladderwort)
The Bladderwort is like an under water Venus Fly Trap. The bladders suck in and trap water insects.

15 Bladderwort Video

16 Assignment Draw your own carnivorous plant using only plant parts.

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