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Contemporary Architectural Pioneer and Modernist of the Century

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Presentation on theme: "Contemporary Architectural Pioneer and Modernist of the Century"— Presentation transcript:

1 Contemporary Architectural Pioneer and Modernist of the Century
Frank Lloyd Wright Contemporary Architectural Pioneer and Modernist of the Century By Frankie

2 Why I Chose This Topic Interest in modern and minimalist architecture
Styles and designs are often overlooked

3 Architecture before the 1900s
Incorporated historical styles and developed new materials and structural methods Styles: Gothic, Victorian, Colonial Revival, Neoclassical (grand facades/very ostentatious), Queen Anne (ornate with large exteriors), and Vernacular (generic and plain cottages)

4 Building methods: layout and foundation, organic materials, and duration of construction
Industrialization ---> shift from highly ornate to more minimalistic

5 Rise of skyscrapers Residential homes and professional buildings evolved to meet clientele desires Social status, location, cost, and taste

6 Biography Born on July 8, 1867 in Wisconsin
Wright's parents influenced his creativity and growing mind Froebel blocks and classical music

7 "Homes and professional buildings included geometric shapes throughout the whole design along with lines that emphasized melodic beauty."

8 Began course study at Wisconsin State University ---> lack of funds later sent Wright to Chicago
Began to work for Chicago architect Louis Sullivan Opened his personal work studio in 1894

9 Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio
Oak Park, Illinois

10 Style Wright became known for his unconventional and geometric style of architecture Universal philosophy: "Form follows function" Proposed by Louis Sullivan Emphasized the shape of a building based on its intended function

11 Wright believed otherwise...
"Proceed, persist, [and] create, according to the nature of man and his circumstances as they both change" Architecture would evolve to meet the demands of man and time

12 Organic Architecture Revolved around nature and the unity between a building site and epoch Included open spaces, and absence of basement and attic, and "the destruction of the boxy shape"

13 ca. 1911 - 1996 Taliesin East Iowa County, Wisconsin Fallingwater
Mill Run, Pennsylvania Taliesin West Scottsdale, Arizona Massaro House Lake Mahopac, New York

14 "[Organic architecture was the] reinterpretation of nature's principles as they had been filtered through the intelligent minds of men and women who could then build forms which are more natural than nature itself."

15 Prairie School Architecture
Based on the vast and open areas of the Midwest prairies Included low roofs, rows of windows, foundations composed of organic materials, and lines that gradually blended into the environment

16 ca. 1903-1908 Darwin Martin House Buffalo, New York
Frederick C. Robie House Hyde Park, Illinois Larkin Administration Building Buffalo, New York Unity Temple Oak Park, Illinois

17 Modern Architecture At the end of the 20th century, industrialization was a leading power in society and global advancement Styles: structuralism (structure over function), formalism, Bauhaus (simplicity), international, brutalism (violent imagery), and minimalism Notable features: simplistic ornamentation, factory produced parts, organic materials, functionalism, and the rejection of conventional ideas (classical/traditional)

18 Minimalism Villa Savoye Le Corbusier Bauhaus Structuralism Brutalism

19 Post Modernism 1970 - Present
Objective: surprise and amuse viewers, while at the same time displaying shapes and details in unique ways Glance into future concepts: collision of styles, vast ornamentation, an abstract and vulgar appearance, and color juxtaposition between black and white

20 Influence 1900s-present Wright is arguably the most influential out of all modern architects... Style not only paved the way for future designs in the making, but also popularized transforming techniques still used today Psychologically large surface areas serving a multitude of functions

21 Designed and supplied purpose-built furniture
Promoted the use of zinc, preset concrete blocks, and glass bricks Methods revolved around the theme of nature and its capacity to change a building Inclusion of wide spaces, natural light through glass windows, open floor designs, and application of organic materials

22 Competition / Counterarguments
Louis Sullivan, Walter Gropius, and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

23 Louis Sullivan Often considered the "father of modern architecture," more so than Wright Instilled much of the values and techniques Wright had popularized through his work

24 Sullivan also stressed ornamentation and coined the philosophy of "Form follows function"
Wright was more central to a simplistic style and is often credited with said philosophy Sullivan also sought to find solutions to architecture through his modernist approach, oftentimes contradictory

25 Walter Gropius Known for Bauhaus, but constructed a limited amount of buildings "[came] across as slightly utopian with an obsession for functional aesthetics Wright surpassed Gropius in that he did not create architecture that was "good for the people" but "beautiful"

26 Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
Philosophy of "less is more" Rejected ornately designed exteriors and an ostentatious appearance Did not implement organic materials into his work, like many others of the time did

27 Criticized for his contradictory ideas, imitating free open spaces and hiding modern techniques under a traditional facade Wright's designs were more timeless and cleverly incorporated wide areas Imitating another architect's style was also distasteful and a lack of originality

28 Conclusion Inspired contemporary architects to challenge tradition and go beyond the limits "I would like to have a free architecture. Architecture that belonged to where you see it standing-and is a grace to the landscape instead of a disgrace." The pioneers of today cannot advance without minimal help from those of yesterday


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