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Relate multiplication to repeated addition Unit of Study: Understanding Multiplication and Division Global Concept Guide: 1 of 7.

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1 Relate multiplication to repeated addition Unit of Study: Understanding Multiplication and Division Global Concept Guide: 1 of 7

2 Content Development  Approximately 2 days should be spent on students developing an understanding of the relationship between repeated addition and multiplication.  Students should have multiple opportunities to directly model problem situations using a variety of manipulatives.  Direct modeling using manipulatives, pictures, and the linear model should be heavily emphasized.  Teachers should avoid referring to the multiplication symbol as “times” and instead say “groups of.”

3 Day 1  The focus of day 1 is discovering the relationship between repeated addition and multiplication through the use of direct modeling.  Example: Scott has a garden consisting of 4 rows. Each row has 3 tomatoes in it. How many tomatoes are in Scott’s garden?  Students should record direct models in their journals and write both addition and multiplication expressions that match their models.  Example: 3 +3 +3 +3 is equivalent to 4 x 3.

4 Day 2  The focus of day 2 is relating repeated addition to multiplication through the use of the linear model.  By the end of Day 2 Students should be able to show repeated addition as  Groups of  Linear model  Skip counting  An addition expression  A multiplication expression.

5 Enrich/Reteach/Intervention  The Reteach Activity on p. 109B can help struggling students by using plates to represent groups. This is a more concrete representation of “groups of.”  The Enrich Activity on p. 113B would be a great way to extend students’ understanding of the relationship between repeated addition, multiplication, and story problems.

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