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ALIMENTARY, MY DEAR WATSON… Digestion as a Process.

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Presentation on theme: "ALIMENTARY, MY DEAR WATSON… Digestion as a Process."— Presentation transcript:

1 ALIMENTARY, MY DEAR WATSON… Digestion as a Process

2 Digestion Def: Changing of foods to a form that can be absorbed and used by cells Occurs in alimentary canal Consists of both mechanical and chemical types

3 Mechanical digestion Break down food into tiny particles Mix them with digestive juices (produces a bolus) Move them along digestive tract Eliminates digestive wastes from the body

4 Involves : Chewing (mastication) Swallowing (deglutition) Peristalsis (wave-like contractions that move down a tube) Defecation (elimination)

5 Chemical digestion Breaks up large, non-absorbable food molecules into compounds having smaller molecules Can then pass through intestinal mucosa into blood/lymph Brought about by digestive enzymes

6 Carbohydrate digestion (Monosaccharide) (Disaccharide) (Polysaccharide)

7 Carbohydrate digestion Carbs = Sugars, starches Starts in mouth, w/ salivary amylase Mainly in small intestine  Pancreatic amylase – changes starches to maltose (disaccharide)  Intestinal juice enzymes  Maltase – changes maltose to glucose*  Sucrase – changes sucrose to glucose*  Lactase – changes lactose to glucose*  *Monosaccharide

8 Lactose intolerance?

9 Lactose Intolerance Individual cannot synthesize lactase Lactose passes undigested into large intestine Here, bacteria (which have lactase) break down lactose, resulting in a “double whammy”  Releases gas  Plus…  Lactose is “osmotically active”  So… it draws water into your intestine… causing diarrhea.

10 Protein digestion Starts in stomach Completed in small intestine  Gastric juice enzymes, rennin (in infants) and pepsin, partially digest proteins  Pancreatic enzyme, trypsin, completes digestion of proteins to amino acids  Intestinal enzymes, peptidases, complete digestion of partially digested proteins to amino acids

11 Fat digestion Bile  Not an enzyme  Emulsifies fats (breaks fat droplets into very small droplets) Pancreatic lipase  Changes emulsified fats to fatty acids and glycerol in small intestine

12 Absorption Definition: Digested food moves from intestine into blood or lymph Enhanced by:  Plica(folds in the lining mucosa)  Villi  Microvilli

13 Absorption site: Foods (and most water) absorbed within small intestine Some water also absorbed through large intestine

14 Where does it all go? Food (such as a peanut)CarbohydratesSugars Glucose  G3P  Pyruvate Glycolysis FatsGlycerolFatty AcidsAcetyl CoAProteinsAmino acids Citric Acid Cycle

15 Your task? Using your textbook, fill out the chart on digestive structures  Describe their role in digestion

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