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Written By: Michael Fielding Presented By: Ian Frazier & Sheryl Robinol.

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Presentation on theme: "Written By: Michael Fielding Presented By: Ian Frazier & Sheryl Robinol."— Presentation transcript:

1 Written By: Michael Fielding Presented By: Ian Frazier & Sheryl Robinol

2 72million out of 235million Christians in the US are born again. ( those who follow literal interpretations of the Bible and acknowledge being born again through religious conversion ) Born Again Christians are the fastest growing religious affiliations in the US 14 million of that group are evangelical 36% of born-agains have volunteered to help with their church in the past week, compared to 24% of average adults 32% say they drank an alcoholic beverage in the last month 74% of evangelicals are white & married 33% are baby boomers 54% live in the South

3 Growing market Christian Lifestyles, offering earthly rewards Messages may be inexpensive, insightful Scriptures & Sponsorship Viral Marketing & Targeting right media “(Most) national brands have not targeted the segment because they don’t understand it.” –Jeff Lambert “(God and religion are) a part of their daily activities, their interests and opinions are often linked with their religion.” –Irene Dickey

4 Spending Power Education Loyal buying habits Born-again Christians are fiercely loyal once they’ve been effectively courted. Vocal culture that can spread good news far & wide, or trash an insincere company’s empty efforts “If they’re interested in the values that are behind a company, they tend to stick with that company. The values they’re looking for are what everyone desires. It’s peace and warmth and togetherness.” -Fairchild

5 Wally Blume: creator of Denali Flavors



8 Donates to religious organizations that benefit communities

9 Christians are more educated than other consumer audiences “It’s about how they shop but also what they don’t buy and where they don’t want to shop” –Lambert It’s not difficult to send the right message to born again Christians in order to raise awareness Respect the lifestyle Communicate with words & images, that are respectful of target market.

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