YOUNG PEOPLE and AA Area 28 Public Information Draft version, October, 2013.

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1 YOUNG PEOPLE and AA Area 28 Public Information Draft version, October, 2013

2  What Is AA?- Preamble  Too Young?  How do I know if I am an Alcoholic?  How do we stay away from drinking?

3 PREAMBLE Alcoholics Anonymous® is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.

4 The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. A.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. Copyright © by A.A. Grapevine,Inc.;

5 Being young in the everyday world we face  peer pressure  stressful relationships with our parents  parties can be a way of life

6 We’ve found a way of life that helps us deal with  Everyday stress  Peer pressure  Develop closer relationships, the longer we stay sober 1  1 Young People and AA Pamphlet pg.. 5 

7  Approximately 10% of A.A. members are under the age of 30 1  We’ve found that life is better and more fun without alcohol 1  It doesn’t matter how old you are 1  It doesn’t matter how much you drink 1  What matters is how alcohol affects you 1  1- Young People and AA Pamphlet pg. 5

8 

9  YOU are the best judge of whether or not you have a problem.  You know this from your gut —  Do you feel guilty, lonely, ashamed?  Is alcohol interfering in your life?

10  Do you lose time from school or work because of drinking?  Do you drink to lose shyness and build up self confidence?  Is drinking affecting your reputation?  Do you drink to escape from study or home worries?  Does it bother you if some body says maybe you drink too much?

11  Do you have to take a drink to go out on a date?  Do you ever get into money trouble over buying liquor?  Have you lost friends since you’ve started drinking?  Do you hang out now with a crowd where stuff is easy to get?  Do your friends drink less than you do?

12  Do you drink until the bottle is empty?  Have you ever had a loss of memory from drinking?  Has drunk driving ever put you into a hospital or a jail?  Do you get annoyed with classes or lectures on drinking?  Do you think you have a problem with liquor? 1  1 Young People and AA, score it yourself quiz, pg. 43

13  We go to A.A. meetings as often as we can. From hearing the stories, we realize we are not unique.  We learn to identify with the feelings of the speakers and not compare the outer facts of our story with those of others 1 1Young People and AA pg. 7

14  We reach out to other members  Talk to others before and after meetings, and on the telephone.  We change ourselves, gradually, day to day  We help other alcoholics. And by helping, we stay sober, sane and happy. 1 1 Young People and AA pg. 7

15 If drinking is causing you trouble, and you want to stop but can’t seem to do it on your own, give Alcoholics Anonymous a try—try it for 90 days, and if your life doesn’t get better, at least you’ll better understand your options. 1 1 Young People and AA pg. 5

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