Chapter 1 Review Test Wednesday Aug. 18.

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1 Chapter 1 Review Test Wednesday Aug. 18

2 Question Explain the difference between a sample and a population.

3 Answer A population is the collection of all elements in a population. A sample is a subset of the elements in the population.

4 Question There is a relationship between smoking cigarettes and getting emphysema. Does this statement describe descriptive statistics or inferential statistics?

5 Answer Inferential statistics

6 Question Classify the colors of automobiles on a used car lot as qualitative data or quantitative data.

7 Answer Qualitative Data

8 Question Classify the number of complaint letters received by the United States Postal Service in a given day as qualitative or quantitative data.

9 Answer Quantitative Data

10 Question Identify the level of measurement for data that can be classified according to color.

11 Answer Nominal

12 Question Identify the level of measurement for data that are the number of milligrams of tar in 45 cigarettes.

13 Answer Ratio

14 Question Identify the level of measurement for data that can be classified by marriage status (married, single, or divorced).

15 Answer Nominal

16 Question Identify the level of measurement for data that are a list of 1235 social security numbers.

17 Answer Nominal

18 Question Identify the level of measurement for data that are the ratings of a movie ranging from poor to good to excellent.

19 Answer Ordinal

20 Question Identify the level of measurement for data that are the final grades (A, B, C, D, and F) for students in a statistics class.

21 Answer Ordinal

22 Question Identify the level of measurement for data that are the annual salaries of all teachers in California.

23 Answer Ratio

24 Question Identify the level of measurement for data that are the amount of fat (in grams) in 24 cookies.

25 Answer Ratio

26 Question Identify the level of measurement for data that are the years the summer Olympics were held in the United States.

27 Answer Interval

28 Question The average daily temperature (in degrees Fahrenheit) on five randomly selected days are given below. Identify the level of measurement.

29 Answer Interval

30 Question Which method of data collection would you use to collect data for a study where a drug was given to 10 patients and a placebo to another group of 10 patients to determine if the drug has an effect on a patient's illness?

31 Answer Perform an experiment

32 Question Thirty-five sophomores, 26 juniors and 41 seniors are randomly selected from 523 sophomores, 365 juniors and 431 seniors at a certain high school. Identify which sampling technique is used.

33 Answer Stratified

34 Question At a local community college, five statistics classes are randomly selected and all of the students from each class are interviewed. Identify which sampling technique is used.

35 Answer Cluster

36 Question A researcher randomly selects and interviews fifty male and fifty female teachers. Identify which sampling technique is used.

37 Answer Stratified

38 Question In a recent television survey, participants were asked to answer "yes" or "no" to the question "Are you in favor of the death penalty?" Six thousand five hundred responded "yes" while 4800 responded "no". There was a fifty-cent charge for the call. Identify which sampling technique was used.

39 Answer Convenience

40 Question A lobbyist for a major airspace firm assigns a number to each legislator and then uses a computer to randomly generate ten numbers. The lobbyist contacts the legislators corresponding to these numbers. Identify which sampling technique is used.

41 Answer Simple random sample (SRS)

42 Question A sample consists of every 25th student from a group of 1000 students. Identify which sampling technique is used.

43 Answer Systematic

44 Question A market researcher randomly selects 200 drivers under 30 years of age and 200 drivers over 30 years of age. Identify which sampling technique is used.

45 Answer Stratified

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