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 Sports drinks consist primarily of water, sugar and salt, with addictives to give a particular taste.  Sports drinks were developed to help football.

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2  Sports drinks consist primarily of water, sugar and salt, with addictives to give a particular taste.  Sports drinks were developed to help football players gain energy & replenish ions lost in perspiration  The characteristics of a product are a direct result of the properties of the substance it contains.  Sports drinks have electrolytes.

3  The force of attraction holding two atoms or ions together in a compound  Bond is invisible

4  1. IONIC COMPOUNDS  2. MOLECULAR COMPOUNDS  Each type has distinctive physical and chemical properties

5  Ions- lose or gain electrons to become ions. Ions are either positive or negative charges.  Ionic Bonds- occurs when electrons are completely transferred from one element to another. This results in the formation of a positive ion (the electron donor) and the negative ion (the electron acceptor)  Ionic bonds are usually between a metal (cation) & non-metal (anion)

6  Ions in ionic compounds are held together by the electrostatic force between oppositely charged bodies.  Basically it is a bond between a positively charged molecule (cation) and a negatively charged molecule (anion).  Ratio of ions (formula units)

7  Ionic compounds are:  Hard and brittle  High melting & boiling points  Conduct electricity as molten liquid. (not as solids)  Conduct electricity when dissolved in water  Examples of ionic compounds – NaCl(salt), CaCO3 (limestone) and HgS (Cinnabar)

8  A compound that dissolves in water to produce a solution that conducts electricity  Example: NaCl dissolved in water = conducts electricity  Sports drinks contain electrolytes, as well as, sugar and flavouring  Electrolytes are important in the body because they help carry electrical impulses throughout the body. As you exercise & sweat, you lose electrolytes NaCl Na Cl + -

9  Before we can understand the formation of ionic compounds we need to know about Lewis diagrams

10 1. Electrons, esp those with the outermost (valence) electronic shell play a fundamental role in chemical bonding 2. In some cases, electrons are transferred from one atom to another. Positive & negative ions are formed & attract each other through electrostatic forces called Ionic Bonds 3. In other cases, one or more pairs of electrons are shared between atoms. A bond formed by a sharing of electrons between atoms is called a covalent bond 4. Electrons are transferred or shared in such a way that each atom acquires an especially stable electron configuration. Usually this is a noble gas configuration on with eight outer-shell electrons or an Octet

11  Elemental properties & reactions are determined only by electrons in the outer energy levels. Electrons in completely filled energy levels are ignored when considering properties.  Simplified Bohr diagrams which only consider electrons in outer energy levels are called Lewis Symbols.

12  A Lewis Symbol consists of the element symbol surrounded by "dots" to represent the number of electrons in the outer energy level as represented by a Bohr Diagram.  The number of electrons in the outer energy level is correlated by simply reading the Group number.  Lewis symbols for oxygen, fluorine, and sodium are given in the diagram on the left.  Lewis Symbols for the elements of the second period. Correlate the number of dots with the group number.


14  Ions- lose or gain electrons to become ions.  Ions are either positive or negatively charged  Lose e= Cation (+)  metals  Gain e= Anions (-)  non metals NaCl Na[Na ] + + e - Cl + e [Cl ] -

15  An ionic bond forms when the non-metal atom removes an electron from the metal atom  Electrons are transferred from Sodium (Na) atom to the Chlorine (Cl) atom, forming positive Sodium (Na) & negative Chlorine (Cl) Na Cl + [Na ] + + [ Cl ] -

16  Electrostatic Forces is the force that attracts a positively charged objects to a negatively charged one.  This force holds together the charged sodium and chloride ions.  The bond between a positive ion & negative ion is a Ionic Bond

17  Example: Mg + Cl  Magnesium atoms lose 2 electrons to form Magnesium ion, [Mg ], with a complete valence shell.  These 2 electrons are taken by two different chlorine atoms that, in turn, becomes 2 chloride ions, [ Cl ]  The resulting compound, magnesium chloride has a chemical formula of MgCl 2 - Mg+2Cl[Mg][ Cl ] +2 - -

18  Draw a Lewis symbols to show the formation of bonds within  1. sodium oxide  2. potassium chloride  3. calcium chloride  4. calcium oxide  5. potassium oxide  Take up practice

19  The rigid arrangement of ions is called a Crystal Lattice Structure  Depending on the specific elements involved in the ionic bond, crystal lattices take a variety of forms, but each is regular, repeating pattern.

20  This is ultimately results in their ability to crystalize into specific geometric shapes in their solid form.  Form different crystal shapes b/c of different sizes of the ions & the strength with which they attract each other.

21  Ionic Compounds  Is not made up of one positive ion and one negative ion  Ionic compound is composed of a huge number of positive & negative ions in a fixed ratio.  Formula Unit  the smallest repeating unit in an ionic crystal

22  Ionic Compounds have high melting points because their ions are held together by strong electrostatic forces (ionic bonds)  Ionic compounds are hard because their bonds resist being “stretched”

23  Easily cracked & fracture because when an outside force strikes the crystal, the crystal lattice structure is offset. Suddenly, positive charged ions are side by side with other positively charged ions. A repulsive force quickly develops between the like charges and the crystal breaks

24  Ionic compounds are electrolytes because when an ionic crystal is placed in water, water molecules surround each ion & separate it from the crystal, The crystal breaks up or dissolves, releasing free-floating ions into the solution. The ions are able to move, & thus to carry electric charges, through the water. This is what happens when electricity passes through a solution.

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