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Imagine… You are going on vacation! Not just any vacation, you are taking a cruise!

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Presentation on theme: "Imagine… You are going on vacation! Not just any vacation, you are taking a cruise!"— Presentation transcript:


2 Imagine…

3 You are going on vacation!

4 Not just any vacation, you are taking a cruise!

5 You will be on the ship for 3 weeks.

6 After 2 weeks you have met many friendly people.

7 Finn and Anna Schulz

8 Finn and Anna are a young married couple from Germany. Finn is very strong but get angry easily. Anna is kind and sweet, but as you see, pretty useless.

9 Maria Lopez

10 Maria is a 32 year old medical student from Mexico. However, you noticed that she is very shy.

11 Leo Campidonico

12 Leo is a man with a handsome face. Wow, he really is good looking.

13 Max and Lucy McEwen

14 Max and Lucy are a father and daughter from Australia. Max has a love for guns, but he loves his little girl more!

15 Adam Dorski

16 Adam is an 85 year old linguistics professor from Poland.

17 Chris Wang

18 Chris is a construction worker from the USA. May be, he is half Chinese. He looks strange! Should I trust him?

19 Andre Louis

20 Andre is a very respected doctor from France and he seems to love fishing.

21 Priya Das

22 Priya is a 26 year old personal trainer from Canada that also likes to drink a lot of alcohol.

23 Peter Dinklage Is a funny man that make th e room smile. He is a really good talker an d he knows how to make yo u feel good about yourself. HOWEVER…..

24 Kayala Montri

25 Kayala is a high school student from Thailand. However, no one really knows if that’s true because she is alone with no parents with her.

26 You are having a lot of fun on the cruise with your new friends. You’re swimming

27 You are having a lot of fun on the cruise with your new friends. You’re swimming Playing volleyball

28 You are having a lot of fun on the cruise with your new friends. You’re swimming Playing volleyball Eating delicious food

29 Suddenly there is a very bad storm!

30 Your ship is tossed around and eventually sinks!

31 You are lucky and find a small boat.

32 Unfortunately, the boat can only hold 6 people, you and 5 others.

33 You must choose 5 of your friends to save.

34 Wonderful… Your boat is full and you are paddling towards the island.

35 Next… Your boat is full and you are paddling towards the island. You see a box floating in the water.

36 Next… Your boat is full and you are paddling towards the island. You see a box floating in the water. Inside are many things that will be useful on the island.

37 Next… Your boat is full and you are paddling towards the island. You see a box floating in the water. Inside are many things that will be useful on the island. Your boat is small, you can only carry 5 things.

38 Which 5 things will you take? pocket knife

39 Which 5 things will you take? pocket knife axe

40 Which 5 things will you take? Pocket knife Axe Metal bowl

41 Which 5 things will you take? Pocket knife Axe Metal bowl Sewing Kit

42 Which 5 things will you take? Pocket knife Axe Metal bowl Sewing Kit Camera

43 Which 5 things will you take? Pocket knife Axe Metal bowl Sewing Kit Camera Matches

44 Which 5 things will you take? Pocket knife Axe Metal bowl Sewing Kit Camera Matches Toothbrushes

45 Which 5 things will you take? Pocket knife Axe Metal bowl Sewing Kit Camera Matches Toothbrushes Mirror

46 Which 5 things will you take? Pocket knife Axe Metal bowl Sewing Kit Camera Matches Toothbrushes Mirror First aid kit

47 Which 5 things will you take? Pocket knife Axe Metal bowl Sewing Kit Camera Matches Toothbrushes Mirror First aid kit Compass

48 Which 5 things will you take? Pocket knife Axe Metal bowl Sewing Kit Camera Matches Toothbrushes Mirror First aid kit Compass Rope

49 Which 5 things will you take? Pocket knife Axe Metal bowl Sewing Kit Camera Matches Toothbrushes Mirror First aid kit Compass Rope Bottle of Whiskey

50 Which 5 things will you take? Pocket knife Axe Metal bowl Sewing Kit Camera Matches Toothbrushes Mirror First aid kit Compass Rope Bottle of Whiskey Flashlight and 1 set of batteries.

51 Which 5 things will you take? Pocket knife Axe Metal bowl Sewing Kit Camera Matches Toothbrushes Mirror First aid kit Compass Rope Bottle of Whiskey Flashlight and 1 set of batteries. 1 warm blanket

52 Which 5 things will you take? Pocket knife Axe Metal bowl Sewing Kit Camera Matches Toothbrushes Mirror First aid kit Compass Rope Bottle of Whiskey Flashlight and 1 set of batteries. 1 warm blanket

53 Now What? In the distance is a deserted island.

54 Who will you choose? In the distance is a deserted island. You make it to the island with your friends.

55 Who will you choose? In the distance is a deserted island. You make it to the island with your friends. However, someone got hurt really badly. Who was it?

56 You must choose 1 person that gets hurt.

57 Oh no! Your friend got hurt so badly that they died. Everyone is sad about this lost. But, we must move on…

58 Now there are 4 friends left…

59 A cold night… It is now night time

60 It is now night time. You feel cold and scared.

61 It is now night time. You feel cold and scared. But you can see the beautiful stars in the sky.

62 Night It is now night time. You feel cold and scared. But you can see the beautiful stars in the sky and this comforts you…

63 SUDDENLY… You hear a loud scream… You turn around and see 2 people from your group are missing?

64 You must choose 2 to be missing from the group.

65 Oh no! Everyone gets up and run towards the sound of the screams

66 Oh no! Everyone gets up and run tow ards the sound of the screams We all ran as fast as we could, but we were too late…

67 Oh no! Everyone gets up and run towards the sound of the screams We all ran as fast as we could, but we were too late… What a terrible sight, another friend died…

68 Out of the 2 people you picked, who died?

69 Now what? We were all shocked.

70 Now what? We were all shocked. Why did my friend have to die?

71 Now what? We were all shocked. Why did my friend have to die? As I looked around, I could see the other missing person. Covered in blood, looking sad.

72 Oh no! One of my friends was so angry I saw them run towards the blood covered fool.

73 Oh no! One of my friends was so angry I saw them run towards the blood covered fool. I could not tell who it was, it was so very DARK…

74 Oh no! One of my friends was so angry I saw them run towards the blood covered fool. I could not tell who it was, it was so very DARK… However, I soon notice that it was….

75 Who is the fighter?

76 OH NO! The fighting was scary, there was blood every where…

77 OH NO! The fighting was scary, there was blood every where… I could not see a thing!!

78 OH NO! The fighting was scary, there was blood every where… I could not see a thing!! I could hear the thunder and lightning from the sky..

79 With a loud BOOOM! And a flash of light, I saw…

80 Who of the two fighters died?

81 I am scared I AM VERY SCARED….

82 I am scared I AM SCARED…. I grab the hand of my only friend left and run away as fast as I could…

83 Who is the friend you run away with?

84 I don’ know!! I don’t know what happened after that… I only remember the feeling of cold RAIN... And a strange feeling of always being watched…

85 Who is left alive?

86 Ambitious ( 雄心勃勃 ) Ambitious- You have a strong desire and determination to succeed in life no matter the problems that may come your way.

87 Immature ( 不成熟 ) Immature- A part of yourself has not developed its full potential.

88 Insightful ( 有见地 ) Insightful- You are aware of your surrounding and open minded to learning about new things, experiences and people.

89 Shallow ( 虚荣 ) Shallow- You only care about the physical things in life and your worries are focus on what society expects of you.

90 Distraught ( 心急如焚 ) Distraught- You have confused feelings about you life and the choices you make.

91 Innocent ( 无辜 ) Innocent- your inner nature is pure ( 纯 ), vulnerable( 易受伤害 ), helpless and/or uncorrupted ( 已损坏 ).

92 Wisdom ( 智慧 ) Wisdom- You have experience, knowledge, and good judgment in understanding yourself and others.

93 Low self-esteem ( 低自尊 ) Low self-esteem you feel unworthy or feel that you are always being judged by society.

94 Optimism ( 乐观 ) Optimism- You keep hope alive! You risk and try hard to achieve what is considered impossible

95 Insensitive ( 不区分大小写 ) Insensitive- You do not really care for other people’s feelings. Your main concern is your own goals and success.

96 Insecure ( 不安全 ) Insecure- you feel unimportant and insignificant in life and often feel helpless in some situation.

97 Rebellious ( 叛逆 ) Rebellious- You are reckless, pushy, overconfident and do not care for responsibilities.

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