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The Romans had stamps printed inscriptions on objects of clay around the year 430 B.C. and the 440 A. C. It is said that between 1041 and 1048, Bì Shēng.

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Presentation on theme: "The Romans had stamps printed inscriptions on objects of clay around the year 430 B.C. and the 440 A. C. It is said that between 1041 and 1048, Bì Shēng."— Presentation transcript:



3 The Romans had stamps printed inscriptions on objects of clay around the year 430 B.C. and the 440 A. C. It is said that between 1041 and 1048, Bì Shēng invented,in China, where there was already a type of rice paper, the first system of printing of types mobiles, on the basis of complex pieces of porcelain in which they were the Chinese characters; this was a complex procedure by the vast amount of characters that were needed for the Chinese script.


5 Asked for money to a lender jew, Juan Fust, and began his challenge without being aware of what his invention would represent for the future of all mankind. Instead of using the usual slatted wood, which were by the use, compiled molds in wood in each of the alphabet letters and subsequently filled the molds with iron, creating the first "types mobile".


7 What Gutenberg not calculated well was the time that it would take to launch its new invention, so that before the end of the work was left without money. Again, he requested a new credit to Juan Fust and, before the distrust of the lender, offered him form a society. Juan Fust accepted the proposal and delegated the monitoring of the work of Gutenberg his nephew, Peter Schöffer, who was put to work side by side with him while guarding the reversal of his uncle.

8  After two years of work, Gutenberg returned to stay without money. Was close to end the 150 Bibles that had been proposed, but John Fust did not want expand credit and gave up the past, staying with the business and putting the front of his nephew, proficient already in the arts of the new impression as a partner-apprentice of Gutenberg.

9 Gutenberg came out of his printing ruined and account that he was hosted by the bishop of the city, the only one who recognized her work until his death after a few years.


11 The art typographical evolved and fail to create masterpieces in training and structures of books and special editions printed. Currently the printing techniques in quality and volume have improved dramatically, some through computer, forgetting the art typographical that many printers of the world are reluctant to change.



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