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Sage CRM Developers Course Using the.NET API (2).

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Presentation on theme: "Sage CRM Developers Course Using the.NET API (2)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sage CRM Developers Course Using the.NET API (2)

2 Looking ahead to the classes DP01: Introduction to the Development Partner Program DP02: Entities and the Data Model (Part 1 of 2) DP03: Entities and the Data Model (Part 2 of 2) DP04: Implementing Screen Based Rules (Part 1 of 2) DP05: Implementing Screen Based Rules (Part 2 of 2) DP06: Screen and User Independent Business Rules DP07: Workflow (Part 1 of 2) DP08: Workflow (Part 2 of 2) DP09: Using the API Objects in ASP Pages (Part 1 of 2) DP10 : Using the API Objects in ASP Pages (Part 2 of 2) DP11: Using the Component Manager DP12: Programming for the Advanced Email Manager DP13: Using the Web Services API DP14: Using the Web Services API (Part 2 of 2) DP15: Coding the Web Self Service COM API (Part 1 of 2) DP16: Coding the Web Self Service COM API (Part 2 of 2) DP17: Using the.NET API (Part 1 of 2) DP18: Using the.NET API (Part 2 of 2)

3 Agenda The Specialised Classes ListPage DataPage DataPageEdit DataPageDelete DataPageNew SearchPage Workflow using the.Net API Customizing the Specialised Classes Programmatic Control of Screens Building Complex Pages Controlling Screen Positioning

4 The Specialised Classes

5 ListPage

6 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using Sage.CRM.WebObject; namespace crm72a { public class OppoListPage : ListPage { public OppoListPage() : base("opportunity", "opportunitylist", "opportunityfilterbox") { FilterByField = "oppo_assigneduserID"; FilterByContextId = (int)Sage.KeyList.UserId; }

7 DataPage

8 using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using Sage.CRM.WebObject; using Sage.CRM.Data; namespace crm72a { public class myDataPage : DataPage { public myDataPage() : base("company", "comp_companyid", "companyboxshort") { this.UseEntityTabs = true; this.UseWorkflow = true; this.EditMethod = "RunDataPageEdit"; this.ContinueMethod = "RunListPage"; } Allows complex screens to be built using simple DataPage class

9 DataPageEdit

10 using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using Sage.CRM.WebObject; namespace myProject { public class myClass : DataPageEdit { /* Constructor needs EntityName, IdField and ScreenName */ public myClass() : base("xxxxTableName", "xxxx_fieldname", "xxxxScreenName") { this.UseEntityTabs = true; this.UseWorkflow = true; this.CancelMethod = "RunListPage"; this.DeleteMethod = "RunDataPageDelete"; this.SaveMethod = "RunDataPage"; } } }

11 DataPageDelete

12 using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using Sage.CRM.WebObject; namespace myProject { public class myClass : DataPageDelete { /* If inherited from DataPageDelete then just need to set the EntityName, IdField and ScreenName */ public myClass() : base("xxxxTableName", "xxxx_fieldname", "xxxxScreenName") { this.CancelMethod = "RunListPage"; this.DeleteMethod = "RunDataPage"; }

13 DataPageNew

14 using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using Sage.CRM.WebObject; using Sage.CRM.Controls; using Sage.CRM.Data; namespace myProject { public class myClass : DataPageNew { public myClass() : base("xxxxTableName", "xxxx_fieldname", "xxxxScreenName") { this.SaveMethod = "RunDataPage"; this.UseWorkflow = true; this.WorkflowName = "Entity Workflow"; this.WorkflowState = "NewRecord"; } public override void AfterSave(EntryGroup screen) { /*Record recNewOppo = screen.getRecord; *recNewOppo.SetField("xxxxx_companyid", int.Parse(GetContextInfo("company", "comp_companyid"))); *recNewOppo.SetField("xxxxx_personid", int.Parse(GetContextInfo("company", "comp_primarypersonid"))); *recNewOppo.SaveChanges(); */ base.AfterSave(screen); } } }

15 SearchPage

16 using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using Sage.CRM.WebObject; namespace myProject { public class myClass : SearchPage { /*if descended from SearchPage then you just need to set the * appropriate ListName and SearchBoxName */ public myClass() : base("xxxxSearchBoxName", "xxxxListName") { this.SavedSearch = true; /* ************* * Other objects available include: * * SearchScreen * ResultsGrid */ }

17 Search Screen Additional Components Saved Search available Keyword Search available Clear Button automatic in class Create New Group Requires additional custom coding by developer Actions Requires additional custom coding by developer

18 Workflow using the.Net API

19 Workflow in DataPages Controlled by properties of Specialised Classes DataPageBase UseWorkflow DataPage isWorkflowPostBack DataPageEdit WorkflowScreen DataPageNew WorkflowName WorkflowState

20 Calling Custom ASP and.NET Workflow Behaviour ASP pages and.NET assemblies may only be called by user driven rules (Primary, Transitional, Global) and may not be invoked by Escalation rules. Can either call ASP page or.NET assembly Workflow actions would be ignored Jscript conditions maybe used to control availability of rule

21 Customizing the Specialised Classes

22 Programmatic Control of Screens Adding Conditional Behaviour to a screen Controlling the display of data elements Adding and removing default buttons Adding Custom controls to screens –Buttons and Hyperlinks (Save, Cancel, Help, Clear etc) Adding/Removing Fields from screens and lists Interacting with existing CRM information (TopContent and (recent) menus)

23 Sage.CRM.Controls The Sage.CRM.Controls namespace provides access to screen components to allow programmatic update of properties Entry –Fields within a Meta Data defined screen EntryGroup –Control of HTML returned and interaction with component Fields (Entry) GridCol –Columns within a Meta Data defined list List –Control of the HTML returned and interaction with component Columns (GridCol)

24 Interacting with the Screens When you call AddEntryGroup (c.f. DataPage) it stores up all the names of the entry groups that you have added in the array called EntryGroups Contains EntryGroup objects for each screen. Can reference EntryGroups array in BuildContents In ListPage can access ResultsGrid Screen Fields EntryGroup mygroup = EntryGroups[1]; Entry newE = mygroup.CreateEntry("oppo_createddate"); base.BuildContents(); List Columns for (int i = 0; i < ResultsGrid.Count; i++) { if (ResultsGrid[i].Name == "oppo_stage") { ResultsGrid[i].ShowHeading = false; break; }

25 Linking GridCols to ASP and.NET To link to an ASP page GridCol colOppoStatus = this.ResultsGrid[0]; colOppoStatus.JumpAction = 430; colOppoStatus.CustomActionFile = "CRMtest.asp"; colOppoStatus.CustomIdField = "oppo_opportunityid"; To call a CustomDotNet dll GridCol colOppoStatus = this.ResultsGrid[0]; colOppoStatus.JumpAction = 432; colOppoStatus.CustomActionFile = "CRMtest&dotnetfunc=RunOppoSummary"; colOppoStatus.CustomIdField = "oppo_opportunityid";

26 User Screen TopContent Custom Entity GetCustomEntityTopFrame("Project"); User Screen control HTMLString strFieldText = new HTMLString(" Custom Entity Information "); VerticalPanel panelFields = new VerticalPanel(); panelFields.Add(strFieldText); ImageObject myEntityImage = new ImageObject(CurrentUser.VirtualImgPath() + "Icons/company.png"); this.AddTopContent(new HorizontalPanel(myEntityImage, panelFields));

27 Admin Screen TopContent //change the breadcrumb trail as needed; string strCrumbTrail = " Administration ->"; strCrumbTrail += " System ->"; strCrumbTrail += " My Admin ->"; HTMLString strFieldText = new HTMLString(strCrumbTrail); VerticalPanel panelFields = new VerticalPanel(); panelFields.Add(strFieldText); ImageObject myEntityImage = new ImageObject(CurrentUser.VirtualImgPath() + "Icons/admin.png"); this.AddTopContent(new HorizontalPanel(myEntityImage, panelFields));

28 Button Types Main Default Buttons AddEditButton AddHelpButton AddDeleteButton AddContinueButton AddSaveButton AddCancelButton Custom Buttons AddConfirmButton("CaptionCode","Image.gif","Question"); AddConfirmButton("CaptionCode","Image.gif","Question","fieldname","fieldvalue"); AddSubmitButton("CaptionCode","Image.gif","javascript") AddSubmitButton("CaptionCode","Image.gif","fieldname","fieldvalue"); AddUrlButton("CaptionCode","Image.gif","URL"); string test = "/Main Menu/wwhelp/wwhimpl/js/html/wwhelp.htm?href=AddingInformation.html"; AddHelpButton(test);

29 Special Help Method Add the help button AddHelpButton("help.htm"); In CRM - turn on inline translation mode and go to your dot net dll page with the help button on it. Click the help button and the list of available help files will be displayed. Select the desired help file and save. Turn off inline translation mode and your help button on dll page will launch the help file you selected previously.

30 Overriding Button Behaviour Examples AddEditButton public override void AddEditButton() { string sUrl = UrlDotNet(ThisDotNetDll, "RunEditOpportunity"); AddUrlButton("Edit", "Edit.gif", sUrl); } AddContinueButton public override void AddContinueButton() { //base.AddContinueButton(); //string sUrl = UrlDotNet(ThisDotNetDll, "RunDeleteOpportunity"); string sUrl = Url("184"); ; AddUrlButton("Continue", "Continue.gif", sUrl); } Tip: Ensure Base.AddCancelButton is commented out to stop default behaviour being implemented

31 Dealing with Security Policy For example adding Custom Button to a Screen Delete, Edit if (CurrentUser.IsInRange(Sage.PermissionType.Delete, "EntityName", TerritoryId,AssignedToUserId, AssignedToTeamId, CreatedByUserId)) { string sUrl = UrlDotNet(ThisDotNetDll, "RunCustomAction"); AddUrlButton("Continue", "Continue.gif", sUrl); } New Button CurrentUser.HasRights(Sage.PermissionType.Insert, "Entity");

32 Custom Validation Can override the Validate method to add your own validation Must always call the base validation method as this checks for required fields. public override bool Validate() { //Always call the base validation method as it checks for required fields Boolean ok = base.Validate(); if (ok) { //do my validation here! //Check values on screen with Dispatch.ContentField("fieldname"); string name = Dispatch.ContentField("core_name"); if (name == "aaa") { ok = false; AddError("The name cannot be aaa"); } return ok; }

33 Overriding the AfterSave() public override void AfterSave(EntryGroup screen) { Record recNewOppo = EntryGroups[0].getRecord; recNewOppo.SetField("oppo_primarycompanyid", int.Parse(GetContextInfo("company","comp_companyid"))); recNewOppo.SetField("oppo_primarypersonid", int.Parse(GetContextInfo("company", "comp_primarypersonid"))); recNewOppo.SaveChanges(); base.AfterSave(screen); }

34 Intercepting the SaveChanges() Override of the EntryGroups_FillRecordFromContent method public override void EntryGroups_FillRecordFromContent(Sage.CRM.Data.Record info) { base.EntryGroups_FillRecordFromContent(info); info.SetField("core_name", "Override the core name"); info.SetField("core_Status", "Logged"); }

35 Building Complex Pages

36 Typical Web Page Tasks Building Pages without Reference to Meta Data Data Tasks Cloning and copying data –E.g. Copying a Case –Cloning a Report or Group Custom Complex Pages Multi-Entity Edit or Entry Screens Multiple Lists on Page Interaction with 3rd Party Apps via COM or web services API including screen scraping from legacy systems Rebuild of Company Quicklook showing inclusion of custom entity Demonstration of dll called via workflow e.g. Opportunity Workflow Rebuild of the Company Summary Screen Editable grid example e.g. quick editing/entry of contacts in company Custom Import example e.g. Importing folder contents to create library entries List with check boxes (to allow batch tasks) Listing and Notes with a Custom Entity Compound Entry Screen quick entry of company with oppo/case details

37 Sage.CRM.Data Specialised Web Classes referencing Meta Data screens and lists automatically imply Data Interaction Explicit control of Data Interaction provided by Record and Entity classes within Sage.CRM.Data namespace Record –Allows individual records and data sets to be handled for Create, Read and Update and Delete Entity –Allows compound entities to be handled in a unified manner –E.g. Insert of Company together with Person, Address, Phone, Email and intersection table records

38 Record Handling FindCurrentRecord(tablename) gets current record FindRecord(tablename, whereclause) gets the record specified by where clause (like the existing COM)

39 Data Handling Changes EntryGroup screenPersonBoxShort = new EntryGroup(“CompanyBoxShort"); compGroup.Fill (compRec); QuerySelect PhonQuery = GetQuery(); PhonQuery.SQLCommand=querySQL; PhonQuery.ExecuteReader(); //PhonQuery.ExecuteNonQuery();

40 Usage Record object FindCurrentRecord(“Tablename”) FindCurrentEntity(“EntityName”) FindRecord(“TableName”,”WhereClause”) –record set maybe returned Record NewUserConRec = new Record("UserContacts"); Specialised Classes CreateAppointment() CreateTask() Record OppoRecords = FindRecord("opportunity", "oppo_assigneduserid=" + CurrentUser.UserId); while (!OppoRecords.Eof()) { AddContent(OppoRecords.GetFieldA sString("oppo_description")); OppoRecords.GoToNext(); }

41 Sage.CRM.HTML Building forms, fields and tables with out reference to meta data UI control

42 Creating Lists and Screens List List CommList = new List("CommunicationList"); Screen EntryGroup compGroup = new EntryGroup("companyboxlong");

43 Filtering of Lists AddContent(HTML.Form()); AddContent(HTML.StartTable()); GetTabs(); List CommList = new List("CommunicationList"); CommList.RowsPerScreen = 4; CommList.ShowNavigationButtons = false; CommList.Filter = "cmli_comm_companyid =" + Dispatch.EitherField("key1"); AddContent(HTML.GridData(CommList.ToHtml())); AddContent(HTML.EndTable());

44 Controlling Positioning Using objects in the Sage.CRM.UI namespace

45 Use of Vertical Panel using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using Sage.CRM.WebObject; using Sage.CRM.UI; using Sage.CRM.Data; using Sage.CRM.Controls; namespace CRM62a { class OpportunityQuotes : Web { public override void BuildContents() { GetTabs(); VerticalPanel vp = new VerticalPanel(); vp.AddAttribute("width", "100%"); Record oppRecord = FindCurrentRecord("Opportunity"); EntryGroup oppScreen = new EntryGroup("OpportunityDetailBox"); oppScreen.Title = "Opportunity Detail"; oppScreen.Fill(oppRecord); vp.Add(oppScreen); List quotesGrid = new List("QuotesGrid"); quotesGrid.SelectSql = "Select * From quotes"; quotesGrid.Filter = "Quot_Opportunityid = " + oppRecord.GetFieldAsString("Oppo_OpportunityId"); vp.Add(quotesGrid); AddContent(vp); }

46 Compounding Pages When using Panels must convert to UI object HorizontalPanel VerticalPanel VerticalPanel myPipeandList = new VerticalPanel(); HTMLString myPipeLine = new HTMLString(); myPipeLine.Html = myPipe.Execute(); myPipeandList.Add(myPipeLine); HorizontalPanel myListandFilter = new HorizontalPanel(); EntryGroup oppoFilter = new EntryGroup("OpportunityFilterBox"); HTMLString FilterBoxHTML = new HTMLString(); FilterBoxHTML.Html = oppoFilter.GetHtmlInEditMode(); myListandFilter.Add(FilterBoxHTML);

47 Compound Screens: Graphics and Lists

48 Sage.CRM.Blocks SageCrmBlock ChartGraphicBlock FileBlock GraphicBlock MarqueeBlock MessageBlock OrgGraphicBlock PipelineGraphicBlock

49 DisplayForm property allows control of EntryForm creation PipelineGraphicBlock myPipe = new PipelineGraphicBlock(); int intUserID = CurrentUser.UserId; //missing lines setup pipeline graphic object // myPipe.DisplayForm = false; List ResultsGrid = new List("OpportunityList"); ResultsGrid.Filter = " oppo_assigneduserid=" + intUserID; if (this.Dispatch.EitherField("oppo_stage") != null) ResultsGrid.Filter += " and oppo_stage='" + this.Dispatch.EitherField("oppo_stage") + "'"; AddContent(HTML.Form()); AddContent(myPipe.Execute()); AddContent(ResultsGrid);

50 Q&A

51 Looking ahead to the classes DP01: Introduction to the Development Partner Program DP02: Entities and the Data Model (Part 1 of 2) DP03: Entities and the Data Model (Part 2 of 2) DP04: Implementing Screen Based Rules (Part 1 of 2) DP05: Implementing Screen Based Rules (Part 2 of 2) DP06: Screen and User Independent Business Rules DP07: Workflow (Part 1 of 2) DP08: Workflow (Part 2 of 2) DP09: Using the API Objects in ASP Pages (Part 1 of 2) DP10 : Using the API Objects in ASP Pages (Part 2 of 2) DP11: Using the Component Manager DP12: Programming for the Advanced Email Manager DP13: Using the Web Services API DP14: Using the Web Services API (Part 2 of 2) DP15: Coding the Web Self Service COM API (Part 1 of 2) DP16: Coding the Web Self Service COM API (Part 2 of 2) DP17: Using the.NET API (Part 1 of 2) DP18: Using the.NET API (Part 2 of 2)


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