MAFMC 5-Year Strategic Plan Public Comments August 14, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "MAFMC 5-Year Strategic Plan Public Comments August 14, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 MAFMC 5-Year Strategic Plan Public Comments August 14, 2013

2 Agenda 1. 1. Project Overview 2. 2. Public comment summary 3. 3. Additional public comments 4. 4. Council discussion 5. 5. Vote on strategic plan 6. 6. Overview of implementation plan approaches and questions for Council consideration 7. 7. Council discussion All background documents are available at

3 Strategic Planning Summary Spring 2010 Visioning and Strategic Planning Project initiated by Council Sept 2011- Feb 2012 Visioning Project—stakeholder engagement and data gathering June 2012 Visioning results summarized in Stakeholder Input Report and presented to Council Aug-Dec 2012 Strategic Planning Working Group met five times to develop vision, mission, goals, and objectives Jan-May 2013 Council staff further revised and developed the working group’s draft strategic plan June 2013 Draft 5-Year Strategic Plan presented to Council June-July 2013 Public comments on draft plan

4 Management Develop fishery management strategies that provide for productive, sustainable fisheries. Science Ensure that the Council’s management decisions are based on timely and accurate scientific data that are analyzed and modeled in a manner that improves management performance and build stakeholder confidence. Communication Engage, inform, and educate stakeholders to promote public awareness and encourage constructive participation in the Council process Governance Ensure that the Council's governance structures and practices fairly represent stakeholder interests, are coordinated with the Council's management partners, and include a clear and well- defined decision- making process. VISION Healthy and productive marine ecosystems supporting thriving, sustainable marine fisheries that provide the greatest overall benefit to stakeholders. MISSION: The Council manages marine fisheries in federal waters of the Mid-Atlantic region for their long-term sustainability and productivity consistent with the National Standards of the Magnuson- Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act. The Council is committed to the effective stewardship of these fisheries and associated habitats by incorporating scientific information and informed public input in transparent processes that produce fishery management plans and programs.

5 Public Comment Summary ~7,500 individual comments ~7,500 individual comments 4 comment letters from organizations 4 comment letters from organizations Majority of comments focused on support for the Council’s ecosystem approach to fisheries management (EAFM) Majority of comments focused on support for the Council’s ecosystem approach to fisheries management (EAFM) Emphasis on effective follow-through and implementation of the plan’s objectives and strategies Emphasis on effective follow-through and implementation of the plan’s objectives and strategies

6 Support for Ecosystem Approaches in Five-Year Strategic Plan (7500 similar comments received) Key Points Complete and implement EAFM Document Complete and implement EAFM Document Protect forage fish Protect forage fish Consider species interactions in stock assessments and catch limits Consider species interactions in stock assessments and catch limits Protect essential fish habitat Protect essential fish habitat Avoid adverse ecosystem impacts Avoid adverse ecosystem impacts Improve understanding of climate change and manage accordingly Improve understanding of climate change and manage accordingly


8 Support for objectives related to strengthening partnership with BOEM Support for objectives related to strengthening partnership with BOEM Supportive of all goals, objectives, and strategies related to offshore energy development Supportive of all goals, objectives, and strategies related to offshore energy development “BOEM will continue to work collaboratively with the Council to prioritize study needs in the Mid-Atlantic region…” “BOEM hopes that the Council will provide constructive feedback… to ensure that BOEM’s environmental assessments and studies accurately reflect potential impacts to fisheries and the communities they support.”

9 Support for vision and for ecosystem objectives & strategies Support for vision and for ecosystem objectives & strategies Disappointed in the lack of working group involvement in implementation plan development. Disappointed in the lack of working group involvement in implementation plan development. “Incorporating habitat considerations and species interactions…are strategies that are already evolving through existing management plan frameworks...Indeed, significant progress can and should be made toward EAFM in the two years leading up to completion of the Guidance Document.” “The foundation for the Council systematically moving toward [EBM] will be laid in the “EAFM Guidance Document”... Therefore, we are pleased to see the Guidance Document initiative folded into the strategic plan.”

10 Support for ecosystem approach defined in draft strategic plan Support for ecosystem approach defined in draft strategic plan Emphasis on maintaining healthy forage base Emphasis on maintaining healthy forage base “We are glad to see that your draft strategic plan includes a move towards an ecosystem approach, and we would strongly encourage you to both approve this part of the plan and then work towards implementing this approach into management plans.”

11 Support for inclusion of EAFM in the strategic plan Support for inclusion of EAFM in the strategic plan Emphasis on science- based forage fish policy Emphasis on science- based forage fish policy Signed by more than 1,100 individuals; 190 comments are included in briefing book. “The draft plan’s focus on species interactions is particularly important for forage fish and for the economically valuable predator fish that depend on them.”

12 In Summary Broad support for the elements of the plan related to ecosystems and EAFM Broad support for the elements of the plan related to ecosystems and EAFM Very few specific comments—positive or negative—on other parts of the plan Very few specific comments—positive or negative—on other parts of the plan Support for the Council’s proactive management approach Support for the Council’s proactive management approach Follow-through is critical Follow-through is critical

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