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Level 3Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Angles I can identify right angles. I can recognise, measure and draw acute and obtuse angles. I know the sum of the angles.

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Presentation on theme: "Level 3Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Angles I can identify right angles. I can recognise, measure and draw acute and obtuse angles. I know the sum of the angles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Level 3Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Angles I can identify right angles. I can recognise, measure and draw acute and obtuse angles. I know the sum of the angles on a line is and the sum of the angles at a point. I can recognise right-angled, equilateral, isosceles and scalene triangles and know their properties. I know the sum of the interior angles of a triangle and a quadrilateral. I can calculate missing angles in triangles and quadrilaterals. I can recognise, measure and draw reflex angles I can construct triangles to scale using ruler and protractor (SAS, ASA). I can calculate the size of an interior and exterior angles in a regular polygon. I can calculate missing interior angles and exterior angles in irregular polygons. I can identify alternate and corresponding angles and calculate missing angles on parallel lines. Teacher Version

2 Angles I can identify right angles. I can recognise, measure and draw acute and obtuse angles. I know the sum of the angles on a line is and the sum of the angles at a point. I can recognise right-angled, equilateral, isosceles and scalene triangles and know their properties. I know the sum of the interior angles of a triangle and a quadrilateral. I can calculate missing angles in triangles and quadrilaterals. I can recognise, measure and draw reflex angles I can construct triangles to scale using ruler and protractor (SAS, ASA). I can calculate the size of an interior and exterior angles in a regular polygon. I can calculate missing interior angles and exterior angles in irregular polygons. I can identify alternate and corresponding angles and calculate missing angles on parallel lines. I can construct triangles to scale using ruler and protractor (SAS, ASA) and using straight edge and compasses (SSS). Pupil Version

3 The triangle below is a right-angled triangle. Put an R on the angle that you think is the right angle. What type of angle is shown below? How do you know? The diagram below is a regular pentagon. Calculate the size of one of the interior angles. ?0?0 80 0 70 0 Calculate the size of the missing angle. Explain how you did it. Diagram not drawn accurately. Using a protractor measure the angle

4 Key Words / symbols Never heard before? Heard of but not sure what it means? Know what it means and can explain it in context Jot down your ideas here… It may help to draw a diagram Alternate Angles Corresponding Angles Vertically Opposite Angles Interior Angles Exterior Angles Regular Polygon

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