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Urinary Elimination and Catheterization

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Presentation on theme: "Urinary Elimination and Catheterization"— Presentation transcript:

1 Urinary Elimination and Catheterization
Fundamentals of Nursing B20

2 Factors Influencing Urination
Growth and development Sociocultural factors Psychological factors Personal habits Muscle tone Volume status

3 Factors Influencing Urination
Disease conditions Surgical procedures Medications Diagnostic Exams

4 Alterations in Urinary Elimination
Urinary Retention Retention with overflow Lower urinary tract infections Urinary incontinence Enuresis Urinary diversions

5 Assessment Nursing History Physical exam Assessment of urine
Inspection Palpation Assessment of urine Color Clarity Odor

6 Assessment Laboratory tests Collect samples for analysis Urinalysis
Culture and sensitivity Collect samples for analysis Midstream UA 24 hour timed collection Aspirated urine sample Random specimen Double voided specimen

7 Assessment Diagnostic examinations Indirect visualization
Radiographic studies Direct visualization Cystoscopy Cystouretoscopy

8 Nursing Diagnoses Impaired urinary elimination
Self-care deficit, tolieting Risk for infection Urinary retention Urinary incontinence Pain (acute or chronic) Disturbed body image

9 Planning and Implementation
Promoting normal micturation Normal position for voiding Use sensory stimuli Maintain elimination habits Maintaining adequate fluid intake

10 Planning and Implementation
Promoting complete bladder emptying and control bladder emptying Kegel exercises Medications Anticholinergics- decrease bladder irritation Cholinergics- increase bladders ability to contract Bladder retraining Catheterization

11 Catheterization Types of catheters Intermittent Indwelling Suprapubic

12 Indications for Catheterization
Relief of bladder distention Sterile specimen Measure residual Long term management for incompetent bladders

13 Key Points When Inserting a Catheter
Check doctor’s orders Appropriate size Sterile technique Ensure catheter is in bladder Proper care to prevent UTIs Nursing measures w/ drainage system Proper peri care for clients with indwelling

14 Removal of an Indwelling Catheter
Don’t cut balloon tip Remove inflation solution with syringe Check label on catheter for solution quantity Connect syringe and ensure complete removal of solution before withdrawing Ask client to take a deep breath, let it out, and remove catheter. Measure urine in drainage bag and record as output

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