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The debt and austerity cycle. UK unemployment 1922- 1960.

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Presentation on theme: "The debt and austerity cycle. UK unemployment 1922- 1960."— Presentation transcript:

1 The debt and austerity cycle

2 UK unemployment 1922- 1960

3 Economic growth per person, per year, 1980- 2000

4 Bailouts and austerity External debt in the global South

5 Impacts: In 1980s Latin America Population living in poverty increased from 144 million to 211 million Africa Population living in extreme poverty increased from 205 million to 330 million

6 Zambia

7 “Zambia has implemented government expenditure reduction which as been virtually unmatched in Africa.” IMF and World Bank, 1990s

8 Zambia In the 1990s, for every £1 spent on healthcare, £2 was spent on paying debts.

9 Zambia In the 1990s, for every £1 spent on healthcare, £2 was spent on paying debts. In 1980, 8 out of 10 children were enrolled in primary school. By 2000 it was 7 out of 10.

10 Zambia In the 1990s, for every £1 spent on healthcare, £2 was spent on paying debts. In 1980, 8 out of 10 children were enrolled in primary school. By 2000 it was 7 out of 10. In 1980, 3 out of 10 people did not get enough to eat everyday. By 2000 it was 4 out of 10.

11 Argentina



14 First world debt crisis

15 What caused debt crisis? Crisis countries: Greece, Japan, UK, Germany Safe countries: Iceland, Spain, Ireland

16 What caused debt crisis? Crisis countries: Iceland, Greece, Spain, Ireland, UK Safe countries: Germany, Japan

17 Unemployment

18 1948 - 19721972 - 2008

19 1948 - 19721972 - 2008 Banking crises

20 1948 - 19721972 - 2008 Banking crises 0.1 a year2.6 a year

21 1948 - 19721972 - 2008 Banking crises 0.1 a year2.6 a year Government defaults

22 1948 - 19721972 - 2008 Banking crises 0.1 a year2.6 a year Government defaults 0.2 a year4 a year

23 1948 - 19721972 - 2008 Banking crises 0.1 a year2.6 a year Government defaults 0.2 a year4 a year Economic growth per person

24 1948 - 19721972 - 2008 Banking crises 0.1 a year2.6 a year Government defaults 0.2 a year4 a year Economic growth per person 2.8 per cent1.8 per cent

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