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Michelle Obama Date Of Birth January 17, 1964 Place of Birth Chicago, Illinois.

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Presentation on theme: "Michelle Obama Date Of Birth January 17, 1964 Place of Birth Chicago, Illinois."— Presentation transcript:

1 Michelle Obama Date Of Birth January 17, 1964 Place of Birth Chicago, Illinois

2 Early Life Her mother was a full time home maker until she entered high school. Her great grandmother was a slave

3 Main Accomplishments U.S first lady and wife of U.S president Obama

4 Three Interesting Facts 1.First lady of the united states of African American Heritage 2.She graduated from prince town university 3.She lives in the white house with the president and has two children

5 Michelle Obama Pictures of

6 Michelle and Barak Obama

7 Michelle Obama’s kid’s

8 Family Pictures

9 Michelle Obama in the white house

10 Bo the family dog

11 What she cares about politics

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