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Blood - The River of Life

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1 Blood - The River of Life

2 Blood Blood has red cells(erythrocyctes) White cells (leukocytes)
Platelets (thrombocytes)

3 Red Blood Cells Carry oxygen from the lungs
Carry carbon dioxide back to the lungs Normally live 120 days Contains the protein hemoglobin Made from iron, folic acid, vitamin B12 Made in the bone marrow

4 Red Blood Cells Red cells look like doughnuts that are very flexible

5 Red Blood Cells - Shape Red cells travel through very narrow blood vessels

6 Red Blood Cells Red Cell Flow Blood Vessel

7 Red Blood Cells - Hemoglobin
Hemoglobin is the main chemical in the red blood cell that does all of the work carrying oxygen away from the lungs and carbon dioxide back

8 Red Blood Cells - Hemoglobin
Oxygen Hemoglobin holds four oxygen molecules to take to different parts of the body

9 Red Blood Cells - Hemoglobin
There are normally 3 types of hemoglobin in the red cell made of 2 alpha chains from chromosome 16 and 2 beta, delta, or gamma chains from chromosome 11

10 Red Blood Cells - Marrow
Red blood cells are made in the bone marrow - the inside part of large bones

11 Red Blood Cells - Retics
Reticulocytes, or Retics are young red cells just released from the bone marrow. The Retic count tells us how the marrow factory is doing.

12 Red Blood Cells Red cells are made in the bone marrow
Food with iron and vitamins is digested Red cells live 120 days in the circulation

13 Red Blood Cells - Recycled
Red cells are recycled in the spleen and liver. The iron and protein are stored and bilirubin is released. Liver Spleen

14 Red Blood Cells - The Kidney
Erythropoietin is made by the kidney as a signal to the bone marrow to make more red cells

15 White Blood Cells Fight infections Are increased in infections
Move inside and outside of blood vessels Are made in the bone marrow

16 Platelets Plug holes in the body to stop bleeding
Can help cause blood to clot Made in the bone marrow

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