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Soil Nutrients By:.

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1 Soil Nutrients By:

2 Objectives Know the definition of deficiency, nutrient, toxicity, macronutrient, micronutrient. Identify the plant deficiencies from pictures Evaluate a plant to identify the nutrient absorption rate.

3 Terms and Definitions Nutrient – Element necessary for plant growth and reproduction. Deficiency – Plant condition where an essential nutrient is not sufficiently available. Micronutrient – Nutrient needed in smaller quantities

4 Terms and Definitions Macronutrient – Nutrient needed in larger quantities Toxicity – A point that is reached where too much of a nutrient becomes poisonous


6 Primary and Secondary Nurtrients
Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium Calcium Magnesium Sulfur

7 Nitrogen Functions Gives plants the green coloring
Makes up 1% to 4% of plant’s harvested material Induces vigorous, rapid growth in plants 98% of the planet’s nitrogen is in the primary rock of the Earth, the remaining 2% is in the atmosphere Most readily absorbed Crops absorbed more nitrogen from the soil than any other nutrient. Most frequently the limiting factor in crop production.

8 Nitrogen Deficiency Symptoms
Chlorosis – Yellowing in color of leaves Plant growth is stunted

9 Phosphorus Stimulates root growth
Important for plant cells genetic material and energy transfer with ATP 3rd most readily absorbed Available in soil as an orthophosphate ion (H2PO4 and HPO4) – Important because these ions react easily with other compounds to become less available

10 Phosphorus Deficiency Symptoms
Stunted Growth Purplish coloring of leaves

11 Potassium Production and translocation of carbohydrates
Water intake and respiration Stiffens stalks and straws 2nd most readily absorbed

12 Potassium Deficiency Symptoms
Shorter and weaker plants Bronzing or a browning of leaf color

13 Magnesium Vital for photosynthesis
Chlorophyll or the green coloring of the plant Needed for protein synthesis

14 Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms
Leaves curl along the margins Leaf parts show a whitish color

15 Calcium Gives plant strength Stimulates formation of nitrates
Promotes root and leaf growth

16 Calcium Deficiency Symptoms
Chlorosis beginning in the leaf edges and moving inward Terminal buds become distorted

17 Sulfur Stimulates seed production
Necessary for nodule formation on legumes Affects protein and crop quality

18 Sulfur Deficiency Symptoms
Similar symptoms to that of a nitrogen deficiency Stunted appearance

19 Micronutrients in Plants
Iron Maganese Boron Molybdenum Copper Zinc Chlorine

20 References Laca, Andrew. “Ag Lesson Plans in Power Point”. Soil Furtility. 19 May Glen Rose FFA, Glen Rose., USA. 27 Feb 2005 < Primal Seeds. 26 Oct Feb 2005 < Nutrient Deficiency Symptoms on Agronomic Crops. 12 June Feb 2005 <

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