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Keep Infants Sleeping Safely Presented by: Calhoun County Infant Safe Sleep Coalition.

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Presentation on theme: "Keep Infants Sleeping Safely Presented by: Calhoun County Infant Safe Sleep Coalition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Keep Infants Sleeping Safely Presented by: Calhoun County Infant Safe Sleep Coalition

2 * Have an awareness of the issue * Know prevention strategies * See the value in informing others * Know the importance of becoming an Infant Safe Sleep Advocate

3 Too many infants around the state and in Calhoun County are dying in unsafe sleep environments. These are preventable deaths!

4 Live BirthsDeaths Before Age 1 Rate per 1,000 births 2006127,5379407.4 2007125,1729978.0 2008121,2318947.4 2009116,7438817.5 2010114,7178177.1

5 Live BirthsDeaths Before Age 1 Rate per 1,000 births 20061,79717 9.5 20071,92128 14.6 20081,77614 7.9 20091,70420 11.7 20101,64818 10.9





10 * Place baby on back for every sleep time * Use a firm mattress with tightly fitted sheet – no loose bedding * Baby should sleep in the same room as the parents, but not in the same bed (room-sharing without bed-sharing) * Baby should sleep alone in a crib, portable crib, or bassinet. * Nothing in sleep area: no pillows, blankets, comforters, stuffed animals, bumper pad, or other soft items. * Do not smoke during pregnancy and avoid an infant’s exposure to second-hand smoke

11 * Offer a pacifier at nap time and bed time. (For breastfed infants, delay pacifier introduction until breastfeeding has been firmly established, usually 3-4 weeks of age.) * Breastfeeding is recommended. * Do not use home apnea monitors or commercial devices marketed to reduce the risk of SIDS. * Avoid covering baby’s head or dressing the baby too warmly. Dress the baby in as much or as little clothing as you are wearing. * Encourage tummy time when infant is awake and observed.

12 * Breastfeeding is recommended and is associated with reduced risk of SIDS. * Infants should be immunized. Evidence suggests that immunization reduces the risk of SIDS by 50%. * Bumper pads should not be used in cribs. There is no evidence that bumper pads prevent injuries and there is potential risk of suffocation, strangulation, or entrapment.

13 Prone position, soft bedding

14 Soft bedding / prone position / head covered

15 Wedging

16 * Sleeping with or on others; including mothers falling asleep while breastfeeding * Unsafe infant bedding, such as, loose bedding, pillows, heavy quilts, blankets, toys, bumper pads * Unsafe infant sleeping locations, such as, adult beds, waterbeds, couches, chairs, swings, car seats X X

17 The back sleep position, by itself, is not protective when the infant’s sleep environment is unsafe. We need to move beyond “Back to Sleep” to teaching infant safe sleep environment.

18 The Calhoun County Infant Safe Sleep Coalition was formed in 2006 to address the increasing incidence of preventable infant deaths.

19 * Bronson Battle Creek * Calhoun County Public Health Department * Early Childhood Connections * Educators * Family Health Center of Battle Creek * Maternal Infant Health Program/Connect Health Services * Medical Examiner * Nurse Family Partnership * Oaklawn Hospital * Physicians * Regional Health Alliance * Summit Pointe * The Coordinating Council * Tomorrow’s Child * WIC

20 Our Goal Every baby is placed in a safe sleep environment.

21 * Assess your policies and practices * Revise if necessary to reflect infant safe sleep recommendations * Share information with parents and other caretakers * Advocate for infant safe sleep * Provide resources to those caring for babies

22 * Safe Sleep Tip Cards * Available in English, Spanish, and Burmese * Safe Sleep brochure * Available in English and Spanish * Safe Sleep Videos * Available in English and Spanish * Safe Sleep Posters * Available in English and Spanish * Pack-N-Play Program * Refer to 211 * Presentations / Training **


24 For more information contact: Infant Safe Sleep Coalition Educator – Mary Humphreys RN 275-0011 Co-chair - Jill Wise 966-2600 Co-chair – Sallie Shears 441-5914 Tomorrow’s Child (800) 331-7437

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