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Understanding the Role of Emotions in Risk Taking Health Behaviors Tamika Zapolski, Ph.D. Department of Psychology Indiana University Purdue University.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding the Role of Emotions in Risk Taking Health Behaviors Tamika Zapolski, Ph.D. Department of Psychology Indiana University Purdue University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding the Role of Emotions in Risk Taking Health Behaviors Tamika Zapolski, Ph.D. Department of Psychology Indiana University Purdue University - Indianapolis

2 Impulsivity The broad trait of impulsivity has been used over the years to explain engagement in various risk processes, including substance abuse Many definitions of impulsivity o Distractibility o Short attention span o Sensation seeking o Susceptibility to boredom o Acting without thinking o Emotionally triggered rash action

3 5 Dimensions of Impulsivity Researchers have identified 5 specific dispositions to rash action (Cyders & Smith, 2007, 2008; Whiteside & Lynam, 2001) o Sensation Seeking o Low Conscientiousness Lack of Planning Lack of Perseverance o Urgency Positive Urgency Negative Urgency

4 Sensation Seeking Tendency to seek out novel or thrilling stimulation Predicts involvement in highly stimulating risky behavior o Riding roller coasters o Jumping out of trees o Bungee jumping o Parachuting o Number of sexual partners Predicts frequency of behaviors o Alcohol use o Gambling

5 Lack of Planning & Perseverance Tendency to act without forethought Failure to tolerate boredom or retain focus Predicts academic performance

6 Positive and Negative Urgency Emotion-based risk taking Tendency to engage in rash action due to the experience of intense mood states

7 Maladaptive Behaviors Aggressive behavior Suicide attempts Problem drinking High quantity drinking Risky sexual behavior Binge eating Drug use Smoking Sexting Gambling

8 Interventions Highly stimulating media messages suggesting alternatives Bank of safe, stimulating activities Sensation Seeking Cognitive mediation training Lack of Planning CBT (and medication) Gauge attend span and distractibility Modify environment Reduce procrastination and increase follow-through Lack of Perseverance

9 Positive Urgency Interventions Identify safer alternativesIdentify warning signsDevelop reminder cues of LT goals Condom use (Dal Cin et al., 2006)

10 Dal Cin et al (2006) 196 into psychology students 3 intervention groups o Standard safe sex o Safe-sex with reminder bracelet o Drinking & driving (control) Follow-up session (5-7 weeks later) on condom use

11 Negative Urgency Interventions Emotion Regulation -identifying and managing emotional reactions Distress Tolerance -learning how to accept and tolerate distress Interpersonal Effectiveness -asserting needs and managing conflict Mindfulness -learning to observe and describe emotions without judgment Dialectical Behavior Therapy (Linehan, 1993)





16 Summary Many disorders or “problem” behaviors that include aspects of impulsive behavior We have been able to identify two specific impulsivity-like personality traits that influence involvement in risky behaviors Positive Urgency: o Awareness of risk & Cues to combat behavior Negative Urgency: o Awareness of risk o Specific emotion based intervention (DBT skills) Emotion Regulation Distress Tolerance Interpersonal Effectiveness Mindfulness

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