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ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ I need some rest and relaxation!!!

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Presentation on theme: "ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ I need some rest and relaxation!!!"— Presentation transcript:


2 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ I need some rest and relaxation!!!

3 Help! Please! I am in need of some rest and relaxation over the Christmas Break I am asking for your help to plan my Christmas vacation I can pay for any kind of trip without worry of cost I only ask that you please plan for me to visit: Russia or Australia and any other area of your choosing. My trip will be for 7 days and 7 nights Also I must come back alive!!!

4 Present my trip to me Alone or groups of 2 or 3 you will present a powerpoint presentation of 25 slides showing me the sights I also require an itinerary (I gotta know where I’m going!) Total worth is 150 points

5 Use of my likeness I am at your full disposal You can take pictures of me and insert them in your powerpoint If you need help with that just let me know, I will help You can also use my school picture from the FCHS website

6 Escape from Cuba

7 Russia Moscow

8 Russia St. Petersburg

9 Siberia

10 Venice

11 Africa

12 Egypt

13 Here is an idea

14 India

15 Vietnam

16 Cambodia

17 Great Wall of China This could be me

18 Japan Ishigaki island

19 Amazon Tribes

20 Turkey



23 Iraq

24 I’m in here!!!

25 Australia Sydney Opera House

26 Outback

27 Excuse me, may I order a bloomin’ onion

28 New Zealand Mount Tongariro

29 Yikes!!!

30 Remember I’m loaded

31 I’ll stay anywhere Taj Krishna Hotel in India

32 And I mean anywhere!

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