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Parts of a book Using “Beatrice Doesn't Want To”.

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Presentation on theme: "Parts of a book Using “Beatrice Doesn't Want To”."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parts of a book Using “Beatrice Doesn't Want To”

2 Front Cover The front cover is the front, or face, of the book.

3 Title This is the title of the book. Title

4 Author The author is the person that writes the words Author

5 Illustrator The illustrator is the person who draws the pictures. Illustrator

6 Pages The pages are the inside part of a book.

7 Text Text are the words in a book. Text

8 Illustrations The illustrations are the pictures in a book. Illustrations

9 Spine The spine is the side of the book. It holds the book together. Spine

10 Call Number The call number is the white label on the spine of the book. Call number E N

11 What is on a call number? The call number tells you where in the library the book is kept and the first letter of the authors last name. E N “E” is for Everybody. “N” is the first letter in the author’s last name. In this case it is “N” for Numeroff.

12 Back Cover The back cover is the rear, or back side, of the book.

13 The End Good readers know the parts of a book. Now you are a good reader too. Happy Reading!

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