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Introduction To Correlation with SAS Sam Gordji Weir 107.

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1 Introduction To Correlation with SAS Sam Gordji Weir 107

2 List of Statistical Packages Available through OIT SPSS (Windows) SAS (Windows & Unix) Mathematica (Windows) Matlab (willow, Unix) Free PGI Fortran compiler

3 General Information IT staff will assist users –To access these packages –To find the proper procedure to analyze their data For assistance please email –

4 Correlation with SAS This seminar covers correlation with SAS SAS is available in –Weir Student Lab (4 PCs) –Weir 107 –Several other labs around campus SAS is also installed on willow (Unix server) SAS performs statistical analysis including procedure correlation

5 Statistical Package: SAS/PC (cont.) 50 copies are available for faculty use For each copy purchased, a faculty member can get a free copy (to be installed on a student PC) The cost is $200 per copy per year (starting Aug. 2009) To obtain a copy of SAS please email –

6 Installation of SAS To obtain a DVD for SAS send an email to: – The instruction for installation will be emailed to you

7 Links for SAS The main webpage For information on documentation for SAS visit SAS Resources for Faculty and Students:

8 SAS’ Three Main Files *.sas (a SAS program file created by the user, an input file) *.log (a file created by SAS containing the “log” after the user’s program is finished running) *.lst (a file containing the output) Examples of the three SAS files – –my.log –my.lst

9 Running SAS on Windows Click on the “SAS” icon to activate SAS Create your program (below) in a window named “Editor- Untiled1” Blue Text is your program /* comments go between slashes and stars */ data test; /* every SAS program starts with “data”, test is a given name for this program */ input a b c; /* variables are a, b, and c */ cards; /* input data will follow “cards” */ 1 2 3/* variable a has 2 observations, 1 and 2 */ 2 3 -1/*variable b has 2 observations, 2 and 3, and so on */ ; /* semicolon signals the end of the data */ proc print; proc means; /* proc print prints the data, proc means obtains several statistics including the mean */ run; /* run, runs the program */

10 Running SAS on Windows User’s SAS Program Click “run” and then “submit” the above example

11 Running SAS on Windows listing file (output of SAS) Input data: Results:

12 Running SAS on Windows SAS log file first 3 lines of the user’s input Lines 6 & 7 end data & proc print Lines 7 & 8 proc means & run

13 Correlation Correlation coefficient measures the relationship between two variables The correlation coefficient is always between -1 and 1, -1.0<=C<=1.0 Values near 0 are indication of no relationship and values near 1 indicate a strong relationship between the variables Negative values indicate negative relationship

14 An Example of Correlation Below is an example of correlation analysis Data is entered into “Editor” Download program below from:

15 Output from Correlation Analysis

16 Non-parametric Correlation Proc corr also performs non- parametric correlation Proc corr below performs non- parametric correlation and obtains Spearman, Kendall Tau, and Hoeffding correlation

17 Non-parametric Correlation

18 Non-parametric Correlation Assumes That the Input Data Is Non-Parametric Pearson Spearman Kendall Tau

19 Some SAS Proc Proc (Procedure) –proc means (obtains mean, standard deviation) –proc anova (performs simple AOV) –proc plot (plots) –proc lp (performs Linear Programming) –proc reg ( performs regression) –proc corr (performs correlation)

20 Questions Email contact –Email your questions to To look at this presentation and other materials visit, Computing Camp at Please fill out the feedback form and leave your email address so we may contact you for follow up questions

21 For Further Practice Go to – agename=jancamp09_sam.inc download and run the following examples – –

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