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Developments with the IA. New website for the IA at Le Rosey

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Presentation on theme: "Developments with the IA. New website for the IA at Le Rosey"— Presentation transcript:

1 Developments with the IA

2 New website for the IA at Le Rosey

3 Facebook account

4 More choice of expedition Bronze – Hiking Silver – Ski touring or hiking Gold – Rock climbing, hiking, road cycling, kayaking. If you want to do something else you need to get organising quick!

5 Training weekend

6 Objectives Understanding of the goals of their Adventurous Journey First Aid and emergency procedures Necessary equipment and how to use it Route Planning Navigation Camp craft, including food and cooking

7 Bronze and Silver - Saturday 9.00 – 17.00 Out on the hill – Route cards and Navigation Gold - Saturday 1 st aid Emergency procedures. Planning for the practice and qualifier – necessary equipment. Bronze and Silver - Sunday 11.00 – 13.15 1 st aid Emergency procedures. 13.15 – 15.15 Planning practice expedition. Route cards. 16.00 – 18.00 Camp cooking. Gold - Sunday 10.00 Technical skills – Rock climbing, Cycling, Hiking 19.00 Dinner 20.00 Gold award presentation - Auditoire 20.15 Big Walls, Big Falls and Big Balls – DR 20.45 Outdoor film.

8 Online Record book training

9 What is the aim of the ORB To reduce the amount of paper work Deliver a better quality award Allow students to track progress through the award easier Allow staff to support students more easily.

10 How to get started:- Register as an award participant. Wait for a confirmation email ( can take some time ) Enter your details for each activity. Wait for the activities to be approved. Once they are approved you are up and running.

11 Log your progress For each section you need to be logging your progress as you go. Best to do a quick entry once a week, build up a good record. Upload any extra evidence. Reports, photos etc. Check your progress as a percentage finished. When completed you will then have to wait for assessment.

12 Assessment of each section Each section of the award will be looked at by your supervisor Pass or defer. Defer means you have to carry on a little longer. On completion Certificate and medal. Completion of Gold a big regional event to collect your prize.

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