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The story so far…. Draft discussion paper (FOI) Cost of capital covers: 15,700 NDIS participants currently in supported accommodation Increase to current.

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Presentation on theme: "The story so far…. Draft discussion paper (FOI) Cost of capital covers: 15,700 NDIS participants currently in supported accommodation Increase to current."— Presentation transcript:

1 The story so far…

2 Draft discussion paper (FOI) Cost of capital covers: 15,700 NDIS participants currently in supported accommodation Increase to current stock of 12,000 places 3-4% total scheme costs allocated to user cost of capital

3 Controversial text? “There is already a significant shortage of accessible, affordable and secure housing in Australia and so the NDIA wants to make sure that the user cost of capital is used to increase the supply of appropriate housing for Scheme participants as efficiently as possible”

4 “Initial modelling by the NDIA indicates that if the user cost of capital funds are used as a catalyst for further investment in housing, it is possible that the NDIA can assist the independence and social and economic participation of more participants than the Productivity Commission’s original costings expected could be supported through this funding allocation”

5 COAG Communiqué (April 2015) While the NDIS includes capital costs for specialist accommodation, some of these funds will need to support existing specialist accommodation supply. The balance of funds will support people with disability requiring an integrated housing and support model to access housing and to enable the market to generate and leverage new and innovative specialist disability housing


7 Where to from here? Housing pilots: “The NDIA will focus its housing support efforts on areas where there is likely to be failure of supply. This is likely to be in areas of more specialised housing for participants who face barriers in accessing housing in the private market due to their disability”

8 Questions for today What capacity exists at present amongst providers? What capacity will need to exist amongst community housing providers in the future? What tools/networks/support will be required for community housing providers for them to obtain that capacity? What risks exist in the changing and uncertain landscape and what strategies can be employed to mitigate and manage these risks?

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