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Discontent about hardships and demands of war  riots Bread riots Draft riots Disagreements over how to wage war  internal conflicts in N and S.

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Presentation on theme: "Discontent about hardships and demands of war  riots Bread riots Draft riots Disagreements over how to wage war  internal conflicts in N and S."— Presentation transcript:


2 Discontent about hardships and demands of war  riots Bread riots Draft riots Disagreements over how to wage war  internal conflicts in N and S

3 SOUTH Food shortages Severe inflation NORTH Mild inflation Income tax established New currency issued  greenbacks

4 New opportunities open to women in offices and industry Assume more responsibility while men fight Serve as volunteer workers, nurses, and spies

5 54 th Massachusetts Black army unit; insisted on fighting w/out pay (instead of for lower pay) Bravery increased African American enlistment Slaves hurt S and help N by: Not working; sabotaging crops and equipment; rebelling, and running away to fight with Union


7 Banned slavery in ALL of the US

8 Bitterness between N and S ~620,000 soldiers dead, most by disease ~535,000 wounded

9 Northerners saw US as a single nation From “the United States are” to “the United States is” National government expanded Industry began to replace farming as basis of national economy Economic disaster in South

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