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D OCUMENTARY Harry Houdini. D OCUMENTARY Non-fiction film that gives viewers information about important people or historical events. Filmmakers can take.

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1 D OCUMENTARY Harry Houdini

2 D OCUMENTARY Non-fiction film that gives viewers information about important people or historical events. Filmmakers can take the viewers “behind the scenes” and provide the full story behind an interesting person or event.

3 D OCUMENTARY Filmmakers gather factual material about their subjects and use it to tell their stories. This material is presented through footage, interviews, and voice-over narration.

4 F OOTAGE Recorded material that gives information about a subject. Documentary filmmakers combine different types of footage to tell their subject’s story. Footage can include film clips, news reports, photographs, and interviews.

5 I NTERVIEWS Usually filmed specially for the documentary. Filmmakers may interview experts on the subject or people who knew the person or were involved in the event the documentary is about.

6 V OICE -O VER N ARRATION Voice of an unseen speaker that is heard in a documentary. The voice- over can provide important facts about the subject. It can also help explain the footage.

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