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Dividing Integers EXAMPLE 1 The quotient of two integers with different signs is negative. The quotient of two integers with the same sign is positive.

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Presentation on theme: "Dividing Integers EXAMPLE 1 The quotient of two integers with different signs is negative. The quotient of two integers with the same sign is positive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dividing Integers EXAMPLE 1 The quotient of two integers with different signs is negative. The quotient of two integers with the same sign is positive. The quotient of 0 and any nonzero integer is 0. a. 28 (–4) = –7 –60 –12 b.b. = 5 = 0 c. 0 (–13)

2 Standardized Test Practice EXAMPLE 2

3 The mean is calculated by finding the sum of the high temperatures and then dividing by the number of days. SOLUTION Mean The mean temperature for these five days was –2 o C. 5 3 + (–3) + (–5) + 2 + (–7) = –10 5 = = –2 ANSWER Only C divides the sum by 5. The correct answer is C. Standardized Test Practice

4 Converting a Temperature EXAMPLE 3 During hibernation, an Arctic ground squirrel can decrease its body temperature to –30 o C. Convert this temperature to degrees Fahrenheit. Biology SOLUTION Write formula for degrees Fahrenheit. Substitute –30 for C. F 9 5 = C + 32 9 5 = (–30) + 32

5 EXAMPLE 3 Use rule for multiplying fractions. Divide out common factor. Multiply. Add. = –54 + 32 = –22 ANSWER The temperature –30 o C is equal to –22 o F. –6–6 9 (–30) 1 5 1 = + 32 Converting a Temperature

6 GUIDED PRACTICE for Examples 1, 2, and 3 Find the quotient. ANSWER 0 1. 24 6 – ANSWER 4 – 2. 0 2 – 3. 39 13 – – 4.19 ( 1 ) – 3 ANSWER 19 – ANSWER

7 GUIDED PRACTICE ANSWER 320 ft – 5. Find the mean: –284 ft, –245 ft, –372 ft, –356 ft, and –343 ft. for Examples 1, 2, and 3

8 GUIDED PRACTICE Convert the temperature to degrees Celsius or to degrees Fahrenheit. 6. 0 o C – ANSWER 32 o F ANSWER – 20 o C 7. 4 o F – 8. 45 o C – ANSWER – 49 o F 9. 77 o F ANSWER 25 o C for Examples 1, 2, and 3

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