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PDS Radio Science Dick Simpson Stanford University Stanford Status PDS4 Status at Stanford o Testing o Mission Support o Migration Proposal o Tools o Issues.

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Presentation on theme: "PDS Radio Science Dick Simpson Stanford University Stanford Status PDS4 Status at Stanford o Testing o Mission Support o Migration Proposal o Tools o Issues."— Presentation transcript:

1 PDS Radio Science Dick Simpson Stanford University Stanford Status PDS4 Status at Stanford o Testing o Mission Support o Migration Proposal o Tools o Issues 28-29 August 20121Radio Science Report to PDS MC

2 3+ People at Stanford - PI Len Tyler (~1% FTE) - Manager Dick Simpson (~30% FTE) - System Software Analyst Ray Jackson (~12% FTE) - System Administration - System Software Development and Maintenance - Mars Odyssey Archiving - Administrative Support Several Networked Computers and a Telephone Sun Blade 2000 (NASA/MEX funding: being phased out) Mac Mini (PDS funding: being phased in) Library of data, software, and documentation Funded through PDS Management (FY13 = 0.84*FY12) 28-29 August 2012Radio Science Report to PDS MC2 FY13 Stanford Status

3 28-29 August 2012Radio Science Report to PDS MC3 PDS4 Status - Testing

4 28-29 August 2012Radio Science Report to PDS MC4 PDS4 Status - Testing Migrated a single DSN binary data product (RSR) to PDS4 0900B o Data file unchanged o XML label created (based on PPI template from Ron Joyner and PDS3 label) Migrated three documents to PDS4 o One TXT file unchanged o Three ASC files unchanged o One HTM file unchanged o Three XML labels (based on RSR label above) Created one XML schema product o One XSD file from Steve Hughes o One SCH file from Steve Hughes o One XML label based on template from Ron Joyner Created 7 Context products o One mission, two host, one instrument, three target XML files

5 28-29 August 2012Radio Science Report to PDS MC5 PDS4 Status - Testing Created Product_Collection for each Collection o Created ASCII inventory table from IM 0900B o Created XML label Created Bundle Product for the Bundle o Created XML Product_Bundle oXygen validation successful Dialog in progress with EN regarding other issues

6 28-29 August 2012Radio Science Report to PDS MC6 PDS4 Status – Mission Support Nothing planned

7 28-29 August 2012Radio Science Report to PDS MC7 PDS4 Status – Migration Proposal 1.Gain experience with PDS4 by migrating a few high-level, investigator-produced, ASCII data sets (e.g., radio occultation profiles, spherical harmonic gravity models). May reorganize some PDS3 data sets into more convenient pieces. 2.Develop a set of templates and labeling tools which can be applied to DSN output files (mostly binary) — both old and new 3.Use the opportunity to port/upgrade software to the new Stanford computer and work on the restoration queue as resources allow

8 28-29 August 2012Radio Science Report to PDS MC8 PDS4 Status – Tools Mac OSX readers for DSN output files Templates for XML labels Search-and-Replace Mac OSX scripts to create XML labels Scripts to create Collection inventory tables and labels Scripts to create Product_Bundle products Test, analysis, and display software as needed Time frame: unknown, but probably years

9 28-29 August 2012Radio Science Report to PDS MC9 PDS4 Status – Issues There are a lot of details Forward motion depends on stability of the Information Model, schemas, and the supporting system Documentation (and its medium) remains a patchwork How PDS4 evolves will depend on tools, how users react to them, and what needs to be upgraded to support the unanticipated requirements

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