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What did you do at Christmas? CHIARA V.. On Christmas Eve O On Christmas Eve, I was with my friends, then in the evening I went to my grandmother's house.

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Presentation on theme: "What did you do at Christmas? CHIARA V.. On Christmas Eve O On Christmas Eve, I was with my friends, then in the evening I went to my grandmother's house."— Presentation transcript:

1 What did you do at Christmas? CHIARA V.

2 On Christmas Eve O On Christmas Eve, I was with my friends, then in the evening I went to my grandmother's house and we had dinner with all the family. After dinner we played bingo and we ate cakes made by my grandmother. At 23:15 we went to mass with my friend Chiara. After I went to sleep.

3 On Christmas Day O On Christmas day I had lunch with my family at my aunt's house, we ate and after we opened the gifts. In the afternoon I went out with my friends. In the evening I had dinner with my parents’ friends, we dined and played cards and bingo. After I went to sleep.

4 On New Year’s Eve O On New year's Eve I went out with my friends. In the evening I had dinner at one of my parents’ friend's. We had dinner, then at midnight we uncorked the champagne and we went shot the fireworks. They were beautiful! After we danced all night until 5:30 in the morning. I went to sleep at about 6 o'clock in the morning.

5 New Year’s Day O On New Year’s Day, I woke up at 1:30 p.m., after a long night out. I quickly dressed and had lunch at my grandmother’s. In the afternoon I went out with my friends Simone, Chiara and Cristiano. We enjoyed a lot! We talked about many things. In the evening I had dinner with my parents’ friends. I went to bed at 01:30a.m.!!!

6 The end By Chiara V

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