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Public Health Accreditation: County of San Diego HHSA’s Experience.

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Presentation on theme: "Public Health Accreditation: County of San Diego HHSA’s Experience."— Presentation transcript:

1 Public Health Accreditation: County of San Diego HHSA’s Experience

2 Today’s Objectives Learn how County of San Diego HHSA is preparing for accreditation Share current and future benefits of accreditation for San Diego Provide resources for more information Describe lessons learned Discuss next steps for County of San Diego HHSA

3 Beginning the Accreditation Process Part 1: Beta Test (11/09 – 1/11) Participated in the PHAB Beta Test Utilized PHAB beta-test version Established an Accreditation Team Assigned Domains based on strengths Prepared for Site Visit

4 Beginning the Accreditation Process Part 2: BT Recommendations (1/11 – present) Implement recommendations from site visit: Formalize Quality Improvement activities 1 QI project for each branch/year Develop system for tracking Policy and Procedures (Policy Tech) [already in process] Increase publications (e.g., share best practices) At least 1 publication per branch

5 Beginning the Accreditation Process Part 2: Planning (9/10 – present) Performance Management System Tied to the Evaluation Framework of the LWSD Initiative! Accreditation Readiness Performance Improvement Planning (aligning with LWSD!) Community Health Assessment (CHA) – Domain 1, Standard 1.1 Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) – Domain 5, Standard 5.2 Strategic Plan – Domain 5, Standard 5.3

6 Live Well, San Diego! Initiative “Healthy, Safe, and Thriving communities” Live Well, San Diego! Building Better Health* Living SafelyThriving 10-year strategy to achieve health, safe, and thriving communities A countywide plan with participation across County groups and with the community* MAPP is a tool to engage the community in developing strategies that address Live Well, San Diego! goals

7 What County of San Diego HHSA Is Doing to Get Ready? Implemented the Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP), a community planning process Community Health Assessment (CHA) Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) Local Public Health System Assessment (LPHSA) Orienting staff – Regional and Public Health Managers and Supervisors – Regional Staff MAPP Trainings

8 CHA CHIPSP Prerequisites Domains 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Essential Service 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 10 Essential service system performance measured using the NPHPSP instrument can inform health department PHAB domain performance. MAPP and NPHPSP can be deliberately designed to meet standards in domains 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 10.

9 MCOs Home Health Parks Economic Development Mass Transit Employers Nursing Homes Mental Health Drug Treatment Civic Groups CHCs Laboratories Hospitals EMS Community Centers Doctors Health Department Local Public Health System Faith Organizations Philanthropist Elected Officials Tribal Health Schools Police Fire Corrections Environmental Health Source: NACCHO

10 Current Assisting with the “Agency of One” vision Improving community engagement with broad sector representation Enhancing PHS continuous quality improvement process Future Funding opportunities Recognition Malcolm Baldrige Award Celebration of success San Diego Benefits of Accreditation Current and Future

11 Resources Public Health Accreditation Board Guide to accreditation Glossary Readiness checklist Self-assessment tool National Association of County and City Health Officials How To guides Tips on self- assessing Examples from LHDs Toolkit of resources County of San Diego HHSA SharePoint Site MAPP Overview PM Committee Beta Test/PHAB 1.0 Comparison gov/hhsa/

12 Lessons Learned Beta Test: Governance Need for a communication strategy in place to engage employees and the community Building teams based on strength-based management Planning: Create PH Accreditation champions across HHSA to support accreditation as an agency wide effort Ensure all sectors are engaged

13 Summary of HHSA & PH Activities Timeline to Date HHSA 2008-2010: Live Well, San Diego! planning Jan-March 2010: PHAB Beta Test July 2010: Health (1 of 3) component of LWSD! approved by Board of Supervisors PHS Sept 2010: Performance Management System Sept 2011: Accreditation Readiness July 13, 2012: Submitted Statement of Intent July 30, 2012: Submitted Year 3 application

14 Summary of MAPP Timeline Sept 2010 to present: Regions conducting community forums as part of community engagement effort (for LWSD!) Dec 14, 2011 – MAPP orientation Jan 31, 2012: Completed MAPP work plan Feb 29, 2012: – Completed regional MAPP priorities June 29, 2012: Conducted local public health assessment July 31, 2012: Complete MAPP assessments

15 Next Steps October 2012: Regional LWSD Community Health Assessment (CHA) and Community Health Improvement Plans (CHIPs) will be completed October 2012: Complete strategic planning process October 2012: Safety Agenda (2 nd component) of LWSD! goes to Board for approval November 2012: MAPP Committee reviews regional CHAs/CHIPs December 2012: HHSA applies for accreditation

16 Questions??? PI and Accreditation Assistant Performance Improvement Manager Accreditation Coordinator Health Officer Director, Public Health Services

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