SOAR1Student Development & Public Affairs|| MSU – A great place for those uncertain about their majors!

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Presentation on theme: "SOAR1Student Development & Public Affairs|| MSU – A great place for those uncertain about their majors!"— Presentation transcript:

1 SOAR1Student Development & Public Affairs|| MSU – A great place for those uncertain about their majors!

2 SOAR2Student Development & Public Affairs|| You’re not “undecided” …You’re in the process of choosing a major!

3 SOAR3Student Development & Public Affairs|| Our choices develop our character – and our character determines our choices. Steps toward major choice: Take courses of interest in general education.

4 SOAR4Student Development & Public Affairs|| 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey Reinterpreted as: The 7 Habits of Effective College Students

5 SOAR5Student Development & Public Affairs|| Habit 1: Be Proactive Take responsibility for your chosen actions Values & Goals Respect Active learning The SLANT System: Sit up straight Lean forward Act interested Nod head Track with eyes Choosing a major is an active process—don’t wait for inspiration to strike!

6 SOAR6Student Development & Public Affairs|| Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind. Set goals and have a mission for your life Motivation - things that direct you Internal External Passive Learning

7 SOAR7Student Development & Public Affairs|| Explore Your Options! What you should know about being undecided/exploratory: Taking some time to explore your major options is normal and healthy Missouri State offers approximately 150 different majors 1/3 of entering students at Missouri State University are “undecided” About half of the students who enter MSU with declared majors will change their majors—at least once! Students who start as undecided are twice as likely to stay with their major once they declare. Many resources exist to help students make satisfactory choices about majors and careers

8 SOAR8Student Development & Public Affairs|| Resources to help with major choice: Your academic advisor will specialize in working with exploratory students The Majors Fair on September 27 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in PSU ballroom Academic Advisement Center web site 94.htm “Help! I need a major!” The Career Center IDS 120 “Have you seen this major?” Featured major twice a month Major Mentors

9 SOAR9Student Development & Public Affairs|| Habit 3: Put First Things First Set goals Do first the things that are most important to reaching your goals “Life Leadership” Start a study planner

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11 SOAR11Student Development & Public Affairs|| The First-Year Experience at MSU Learn about the Public Affairs Mission GEP 101, First-Year Foundations Common Reader: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks Curricular Learning Communities Integrated Service-Learning Living-Learning Communities Get Involved--Collaboration with the Office of Student Engagement, and many other offices! We want to provide you the skills and knowledge you to be a successful first-year student!

12 SOAR12Student Development & Public Affairs|| Curricular Learning Communities Linked and integrated courses! Get to know your peers, and instructors, inside & outside the classroom! In fall 2011 we are offering 20 cohorts of linked courses for our curricular learning communities. The most common LC is GEP 101, First-Year Foundations, combined with English Composition or Public Speaking. However, many other options are available; see your handbook for more information.

13 SOAR13Student Development & Public Affairs|| Living-Learning Communities What is a living-learning community? A living learning community is a residential education unit allowing students to transition seamlessly between their academic and residential environments.

14 SOAR14Student Development & Public Affairs|| Why Living-Learning Communities? Interact with faculty on a regular basis outside the classroom Engage in academic activities that enhance learning Meet with students with diverse backgrounds Have opportunities to participate in social, cultural, and civic activities Receive guidance in developing study skills, time management, personal wellness, and other tips to survive and thrive in your first year away from home!

15 SOAR15Student Development & Public Affairs|| Habit 4: Think Win/Win How can we both win? Seek mutual benefit in interdependent relationships Don’t give up!

16 SOAR16Student Development & Public Affairs|| Your advisor can help you:  Understand degree and general education requirements.  Use campus resources through referrals.  Make course and academic program decisions.  Think through your educational goals.

17 SOAR17Student Development & Public Affairs|| Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, then be understood. Try to see an issue from the other person’s point of view… then be understood

18 SOAR18Student Development & Public Affairs|| Two ways to “see things from the other person’s Point Of View”…

19 SOAR19Student Development & Public Affairs|| “Out of the classroom and into the community” An academic program which integrates meaningful “hands- on” community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience and strengthen communities.

20 SOAR20Student Development & Public Affairs|| Two types of service- learning: Component andIntegrated

21 SOAR21Student Development & Public Affairs|| Component Component Students have the option to earn an additional hour of academic credit by providing 40 hours of service with a nonprofit, government, or public benefit agency. Similar to a “mini internship.”

22 SOAR22Student Development & Public Affairs|| Service-learning is embedded into a course and all students participate, providing a minimum of 15 hours of service related to coursework. Integrated

23 SOAR23Student Development & Public Affairs|| Benefits of Participation Test career choices Gain “real world” experience Build résumé Apply theories and concepts learned in the classroom Contacts & references Make a difference Those with relevant work experience get 50% more interviewing opportunities and offers; and a $7,500 higher starting salary. (Missouri State Career Center)

24 SOAR24Student Development & Public Affairs|| Follow Your Passion. Find Your Place.

25 SOAR25Student Development & Public Affairs|| Why Study Away? Broaden your world view Meet new people and learn about other cultures Learn another language Get credit toward your degree Enhance your competitiveness in the global job market Travel for a week, a summer, a semester, or even a year! Michelle Janssen, France 2010

26 SOAR26Student Development & Public Affairs|| Am I Eligible to Study Away? Full-Time MSU Student 2.5 GPA (some programs may require a higher GPA) Sophomore Status— completed at least 30 credit hours at MSU Kreg Selvey, Ecuador 2010

27 SOAR27Student Development & Public Affairs|| Habit 6: Synergize When the joint effort or project of a group is more than what one person can do alone in a reasonable time Value different opinions, viewpoints, and perspectives when seeking solutions

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31 SOAR31Student Development & Public Affairs|| The Learning Commons Drop-In Assistance Tables ChemistryEconomics Subject-Area Tutoring The toughest classes! One-on-One Mathematics Drop-Table

32 SOAR32Student Development & Public Affairs|| The Writing Center serves Missouri State University by working with students, faculty, and staff on their writing projects. Provides programming geared to assist Faculty, Staff, and Students with Writing Issues

33 SOAR33Student Development & Public Affairs|| Supplemental Instruction …earn higher mean final course grades. …receive lower rates of D, F, and W grades. …persist (reenroll and graduate) at higher rates.

34 SOAR34Student Development & Public Affairs|| Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw Engage in continuous improvement in the physical, mental, spiritual, and social/emotional dimensions of your life Balance is necessary!

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