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Step 6 - Assessment A common curriculum component, addressed briefly here but in considerably more depth in PE305.

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2 Step 6 - Assessment A common curriculum component, addressed briefly here but in considerably more depth in PE305

3 Importance Assessment represents the fruition (realization) of all the planning and instruction! It represents student learning of the content delineated in standards 9-14. Assessment is a weak area in physical education yet education today is about accountability. Why is this a problem? Article on HS PE

4 Alignment? Assessment should align with? The domains (P, C, A) Or The standards (CT 9-14)

5 Step 6 – Assessment Why Assess Identify student strengths and weaknesses Inform teaching and curricular change Motivate and/or challenge students Keep students on task Determine entry skill level Determine grades, level of performance, and achievement of state/national standards Demonstrate learning as a result of instruction Communicate with parents/guardians

6 Cycle of Instruction Teach Assess Plan

7 Appropriate practices NASPE Role of assessment appropriate practice: teacher decisions about instruction and evaluation of student progress are based on continuous systematic observations and assessment of student progress in relation to the final product, as opposed to one summative evaluation. Assessment is an integral part of planning, student feedback and goal setting. inappropriate practice: students are evaluated and assessed based on one or two assessments. Students are assessed using inconsistent, arbitrary measures that do not reflect the instructional objectives or learning opportunities.

8 Appropriate practices NASPE Achievement appropriate practice: assessment is based upon clearly defined student goals related to appropriate (psychomotor, cognitive, and affective) content. Criteria for determining student achievement are clearly identified. Student grades are based upon individual progress toward the achievement of predetermined goals. inappropriate practice: students are evaluated and graded on non-content related factors (participation, dress, effort). Students are graded on a single measure that is not valid or reliable.

9 Participation/Achievement Attendance/dress… 40% Daily effort/attitude/ participation ………. 30% Knowledge (written test)…………...…………10% Skill (skills test)……....20% 100% Attendance/dress ……… 10% Completion of formative assessments………….. 60% Summative assessment… 30% _________ 100% Doolittle and Fay (2002)

10 Types of Assessment Authentic Assessment done during activity; often the best method in PE (There’s NO excuse for not having time to assess) Formative Assess throughout (better learning gains over summative assessment) Summative Assess at the end (OK if done in conjunction with formative assessment) Norm-referenced President’s challenge (percentiles) Criterion-referenced Fitnessgram or any set criteria

11 CT Standard 9: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities

12 CT Standard 9: Scoring rubric - authentic, or rotating station, or pull-out group Generic Rubrics for Several Activities: Example 1 and 212 Basketball 4 th (skill testing)Basketball 4 th Jumping 1 stJumping 1 st Underhand VB Serve Strategy Several sample rubrics Checklist – whole classChecklist Video analysis – record and view later May also do in real-time (Farmington badminton ex.) Jigsaw Model - Evaluate students teaching a lesson (create a rubric)

13 CT Standard 9 Create and demonstrate a routine (gymnastics, etc) including grades for being an audience member Self-Assessment – student assessment of oneself Catching example Peer Assessment - students assessment of one another Students give feedback on the cues only Teacher should practice with students the giving and receiving of meaningful feedback Establish guidelines: Give corrective and positive feedback together Give only positive feedback Don’t attach grades to peer feedback, completion scores only Advantages: socialization, teaching of others, offsets larger class sizes, peer and self improvement, and greater interaction with the learning objectives Techniques: task cards, criteria sheetstask cards Non-traditional Making a video of a skill being correctly executed

14 CT Standard 10: Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities

15 CT Standard 10: Student journals or learning logs – For example, attitudes about throwing and catching abilityjournals Traditional pencil/paper quizzes (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)12345678910 Many available on PECentral Create and post a monthly bulletin board (upper grades) Individual or Group assignments (personal fitness program, wellness plan, research of community physical activity opportunities)personal fitness program Picture project: identify &/or correct skill cues from a photograph or demonstrationPicture project Sportfolio (1, 2)12 Check for Understanding 7-up style: Thumbs up, thumbs down Students can’t see one another’s answers, use a checklist for scoring Assess on fitness knowledge, rules, strategies, nutrition etc Gym exit survey Pedometers – Write about improvement over time, do math calculations, create goals, etc…

16 CT Standard 11: Participates regularly in physical activity K-2: Draw pictures or ask students how they engage in physical activity at home 3-12: Create a home activity log in conjunction with the regular classroom teacherhome activity log Have parents fill out a survey about their child

17 CT Standard 11: Participates regularly in physical activity 3-12: Practicum – Students required to participate in physical activity field experiences Athletes are not exempted Form partnerships with local community resources (fitness centers, tennis clubs, park and recreation leagues, equestrian centers, etc) where students must have their participation verified by a signature Negotiate discounts or free trial for students Require X number of hours per month or year; require X number of locations per year

18 CT Standard 12: Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. Assessing Fitness Levels – There are conflicting viewpoints on how to assess health-related fitness. Some ideas:  Completion of the task  Self-developed form Self-developed form  Criterion referenced - fitnessgram (A=healthy fitness, C=needs improvement)  Fitnessgram profile Fitnessgram profile  Percentile score  Equate percentile score to a grade (i.e. 80-100=A, 70-80=B, etc) and allow for improvement (i.e. improve 5 points=A, improve 3=B, etc)  How to calculate percentiles for your school: Percentile Achievement Scores Percentile Achievement Scores

19 CT Standard 12: Additional Fitness Considerations  I advocate creating a Cumulative Fitness Report which tracks a students health related fitness achievement/scores K-12. When a student leaves elementary school, it goes with them to middle school and beyond.  Overweight/Obese Students PE teachers have a responsibility to help these students because overweight children usually become overweight adults. Discussed more in PE 406, APE.

20 CT Standards 13 and 14: CT Standard 13: Students will exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings CT Standard 14: Students will choose physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction to sustain a physically active

21 CT Standards 13 and 14: Farmington levels of involvement Naugatuck daily grading scale Hellison’s model Journals – “The most important thing that I learned today was…” Affective Rubric – scale of criteria that explains possible levels of performance (1, 2)12

22 Communication Communicating grades is important both in communicating student progress, measuring student learning in terms of program improvement, and advocacy for PE both inside and outside school. For example, with fitness assessments, you could send home 2-sided flyer. One side has their child’s fitnessgram results and how to interpret them. The second side could have: Information about health and physical activity Information about the PE program An after-school health and physical activity workshop sponsored by the PE teacher

23 with Parents… Newsletter combined with… Report Card Boulder: K1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th Okemos: FallSpring Irondequoit: 3 - 5 Maple Shade K - 5 Generic 3-5

24 A.Application of Fitness Concepts30% B.Application of Movement Concepts30% C.Application of Personal and Social Responsibility Concepts30% D.Physical Education Reading/Writing 10% 100% Sample TOTAL Rubric - combines all aspects of grading

25 Generic Daily Rubric (Students earn 0-4 points/day in each category)

26 Application of Fitness Concepts 4Always applies overload, progression, specificity concepts to all CV, Flex., ME, MS activities 3Usually….. most 2Usually….. some 1Occasionally… a few

27 Application of Skills 4 Proficiency level consistently: effective 75% of time 3 Competency/Utilization level less consistently: effective 50% of time 2 Control level inconsistency: 15-49% effective 1 Precontrol level rarely effective: <15% Adapted from Graham, Holt-Hale, & Parker (1993). Children moving.

28 Application of Strategy 4 Appropriate decision making, nearly automatically 3 Correct decision, shows intent, but with hesitation 2 Some correct decision making, but lacks consistency 1 Little evidence of appropriate decision making Adapted from Rink’s Game Stages (1993), Teaching Physical Education for Learning.

29 Application of Rules and Conventions 4 Observes all rules and conventions, helps others apply rules, assists in providing uninterrupted play 3 Observes most rules and conventions without assistance 2 Observes major rules and conventions of play with some assistance from others 1 Little evidence of understanding rules, needs help from others to play

30 Application of Personal and Social Responsibility 4 Supports/helps teammates, shows concern for other’s positive experience, helps prevent/resolve conflicts, shows self-direction consistent performance intensity 3 Shows self-direction, consistent performance intensity and fair-play 2 Maintains self-control, but inconsistent performance intensity and fair-play 1 Lacks self-control at times; needs reminders and encouragement from others to participate safely Hellison (1995). Teaching responsibility through physical education.

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