World Organization of the Scout Movement Bringing better Scouting to more young people.

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Presentation on theme: "World Organization of the Scout Movement Bringing better Scouting to more young people."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Organization of the Scout Movement Bringing better Scouting to more young people

2 Around the world... There are 30 million Scouts - male and female - youth and adults 220 Countries and Territories 161 National Scout Organizations

3 Meets every 3 years Top leaders of 161 National Scout Organizations

4 12 elected members for 6-year terms Secretary General and Treasurer (no vote) 6 Regional Chairmen and 6 Youth Members (no vote) Representative of the WSF (no vote) Meets 2-3 times per year

5 Geneva, Switzerland Regional Offices AfricaNairobi, Kenya ArabCairo, Egypt Asia-PacificMakati, Philippines EurasiaKiev, Ukraine EuropeanBruxelles, Belgium InteramericanPanama City, Panama

6 70% Membership fees 25% Endowment 5% Grants, Sales, Royalties

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