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Classification of simple machines: Simple machines are divided into two families: 1)The Lever family and 2) The inclined plane family The Lever family.

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Presentation on theme: "Classification of simple machines: Simple machines are divided into two families: 1)The Lever family and 2) The inclined plane family The Lever family."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classification of simple machines: Simple machines are divided into two families: 1)The Lever family and 2) The inclined plane family The Lever family Simple lever Pulley Wheel & Axle The inclined plane family Inclined plane Wedge Screw

2 The classes of Lever First class of Lever: It has fulcrum located between the input force and the output force. Second class lever: The fulcrum Is at one end of the arm and Input force is applied to the other end, ex. Wheelbarrow. Third class of lever: The input force is in between fulcrum and output force.

3 Types of Pulleys and their MA Fixed pulley: The pulley is fixed with support. It has MA = 1 since used to change direction of force. Movable single Pulley: The pulley is not fixed with support, it can increase the MA, the load is shared by two sections of rope pulling upward.

4 Block and tackle Using movable pulleys or more than one pulley at a time can increase the mechanical advantage. Multiple pulleys combined into a single unit is called a Block and tackle. All of the sections of rope are pulling up against the downward force of the weight.

5 Wheel and Axle A wheel and axle is a lever connected to a shaft. A wheel and axle is made of a lever or A pulley (wheel) connected to A shaft (the axle) When the wheel is turned, the Axle also turns. When a small input force is applied to a steering wheel, the force is multiplied to become a large output force which turns the front wheel of the car. Other ex: screw driver

6 Gears: A wheel with teeth is known as Gear. Some machinery, such as small drills requires small force at high speed and such as mill wheels, require large force at low speed. Gears are used to change the speeds of rotating shafts. By using gears of different sizes, the shaft can be made to turn at different rate. Gear ratio: T O /T i = N i /N O T i = turns of input gear T O = turns of output gear, N i = # of teeth on input gear N O = number of teeth on output gear

7 The mechanical Advantage of pulleys

8 Difference between wheel and axle & Pulley

9 The inclined plane: MA = l/h An inclined plane reduces the force needed to lift an object by applying the force over longer distance. A type of sloping surface used to raise objects is called inclined plane, for example: a ramp Pushing an object up an inclined plane requires less input force than lifting the same object does. MA = length of slope divided by height slope

10 A simple Machine: Screw A screw is an inclined plane wrapped in a spiral around a cylinder. For example, A drill bit, Jar lids and spiral staircases are screws that we use everyday. Screws:

11 A simple machine: Wedge A wedge turns a downward force into two forces directed out to the sides. A wedge is a modified inclined plane with one or two sloping sides. Chisels, knives, and axe blades are examples of wedge In a wedge, the material remains at one place while wedge moves through it.

12 Compound Machines & Human Powered Flying Machine Compound Machine: Many devices that are made of more than one simple machine. A compound machine combines two or more simple machines. For example, a pair scissors, a bicycle are compound machines. A human powered aircraft designed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Daedalus has pedals like a bicycle. The plane is human powered because the pilot’s legs are the only source of power.

13 Section-3: Energy and Work Energy is ability to do work. Whenever work is done, energy is transformed or is transferred from one system to other system. Measurements of energy and work are expressed in the same units - “Joules” The energy in an object can be calculated whether the object is in motion or at rest. Energy exists in many different forms. According to energy conservation law, one form of energy can be transformed to other forms of energy but energy can't be created or destroyed.

14 Potential Energy: PE Potential energy: The energy that an object has because of the position of an object, its shape, or molecular structure of the object. The stored potential energy that results from gravitational attraction between the objects is called gravitational potential energy. PE = m.g.h Where, m=mass h=height or position of an object g=gravitational acceleration=9.8 m/s 2

15 Kinetic Energy: KE Kinetic Energy: The energy in an object due to object’s motion Kinetic energy depends on two factors, the mass and the speed of an object. KE = ½ m v 2 Where, m = mass of an object and v = speed of an object The unit of kinetic energy is kg.m 2 /s 2 That is kilograms times meter squared per second squared. Atoms and molecules have kinetic energy.

16 Other forms of energy Mechanical energy Chemical energy Solar energy Nuclear energy Electro magnetic energy Light (radiant) energy Thermal (heat) energy Hydro energy Tidal energy Wind energy Electrical energy

17 Other forms of energy Mechanical energy: The sum of the kinetic energy and the potential energy in a system is called mechanical energy. All objects have some stored potential energy according to arrangement of atoms that make up the objects in the system. Chemical reactions involve potential energy. Living things get energy from sun through electromagnetic waves. Plants use photosynthesis to turn energy in sunlight into chemical energy.

18 Other forms of energy…….. Solar energy: The sun gets energy from nuclear reaction; nuclear fusion, a kind of reaction in which light atomic nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus. Nuclear power plants use Nuclear fission, to release nuclear energy. In nuclear fission a single large nucleus is split into two or more smaller nuclei. In both nuclear fusion and fission, small quantity of mass are converted into large quantities of energy.

19 Other forms of energy……….. Electrical energy: 1) The electrical energy is derived from other sources of energy. 2) In a natural gas power plant in the gas is chemical potential energy. 3) When gas burned, releasing energy in form of heat is used to make high pressure steam. 4) The steam turns the turbine which transforms heat energy into mechanical energy. 5) Finally the turbine turns an electrical generator producing electrical energy.

20 Light energy and electromagnetic waves Light can carry energy across empty space. The object in direct sunlight is hotter because light carries energy. Light energy travels from sun to Earth across empty space in the form of electromagnetic waves. Electro magnetic waves are made of electric and magnetic fields, so light energy is an example of energy stored in a field.

21 Efficiency of machines All of the work done by machine is not useful work. Only a portion of the work done by any machine is useful work. In real machine, the work output is always less than the work input because other forces like friction use up some of the input work. Some input work is being converted to heat. Therefore the work output is reduced by the work that is converted to heat. The efficiency is a quantity, usually expressed as a percentage, that measures the ratio of useful work output to work input.

22 Efficiency of machines…….. Efficiency = (work output / work input) x 100 In reality, no machine is 100 % efficient Practically perpetual motion (machine with no loss of energy) machine is impossible. Machines always need energy input.

23 Math problem: efficiency of machine Alice and Jim calculate that they must do 1800 J of work to push a piano up a ramp. However, because they must also overcome friction, they actually must do 2400 J of work. What is the efficiency of the ramp? Given: Output work=1800 J Input work = 2400 J Efficiency = (work output/work input)*100 = (1800 J/2400 J) * 100 = (0.75) * 100 = 75 % efficiency of the ramp.

24 Math problem: potential energy (Pg.446-prblem # 3) A diver has 3000 J of gravitational potential energy after climbing up onto a diving platform that is 6.0 m above the water. What is the diver’s mass in kilogram? Rearrange the equation for mass PE = m ×g × h Therefore, m = PE / g ×h Given: PE= 3000 J, h= 6.0 m, g= 9.8m/s 2 M= 3000 J / 6.0 m × 9.8m/s 2 = 49.7 kg Mass = nearly 50 kg.

25 Math problem: kinetic energy (Pg-448 problem # 2) A 35 kg child has 190 J of kinetic energy after he sleds down a hill. What is the child’s speed at the bottom of the hill? Rearrange the KE equation to isolate speed on the left. KE= ½ m.v 2 m= 2KE/v 2 therefore v 2 = 2 KE/m, v=√ 2 KE/m Given: m= 35 kg, KE= 190 J v= ? v= √2 ×190 J/35 kg = 30.8 m/s 2 Speed = 30.8 m/s 2

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