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Chapter 8 Earth in Space. How long does it take for Earth to complete one full rotation?

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 8 Earth in Space. How long does it take for Earth to complete one full rotation?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 8 Earth in Space

2 How long does it take for Earth to complete one full rotation?

3 24 hours

4 Why do seasons change?

5 Because Earth tilts on its axis

6 How long do moon phases last?

7 About 29 days

8 Planets __________ the sun.

9 Orbit

10 If it is midnight on one side of the Earth what time is it on the opposite side of earth?

11 Noon

12 What gives the Earth heat and light?

13 Sun

14 What season is it in the Northern part of Earth when the North Pole slants away from the sun?

15 Winter

16 What season is it when the sun is high overhead?

17 Summer

18 In which direction does the sun rise?

19 East

20 The sun’s rays are weak at the poles and __________ at the equator.

21 Strong

22 If you were on Venus the Earth would appear to ___________ in the night sky.

23 Wander

24 If Mars and Earth had the same orbit an Earth year and a Mars year would be the ____________________.

25 Same Length

26 If the Earth were tilted more summers would be _________.

27 Hotter

28 If the Earth were tilted more winters would be ________.

29 Colder

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